The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The bad news is people will be buying Kellogg’s alternatives now so I have to make an unplanned trip to the grocery store tomorrow to start hoarding Fiber One Original cereal.

Don’t fret. Our mastermind product development team here at UP has already broken ground on a cereal NFT.


I mean to be completely fair weren’t people doing the same to Trump? Biden is 100x better than Trump but hand wringing this is dumb.


can we get a store brand generic froot loops thread excision plz

We need a presidential triumvirate as opposed to a single person in the executive office.

Having one person get all the credit or blame just doesnt work. Its especially problematic in the age of social media.

I prefer having a plural executive with offices such as attorney general being separately elected, just as in most states.

What the fuck is Merrick Garland doing every day? Great nomination Joe, really owned the Republicans on that one.

I assume he is napping, hope he proves me wrong.

Probably writing his memoirs.


A suit brought by the DoJ has succeeded in temporarily blocking the Texas abortion law.

Supposedly the law has a four year statute of limitations and has a clause for any procedures that occur during an injunction that is later overturned- those procedures are eligible for action in spite of the injunction.

The bill is just a big FU to the rule of law.

4% of something is better than nothing I guess.


This may be relevant to coming up with a plan.


i actually was reading that meme and fully expected bottom to say democrats.


Didn’t I read something somewhere that 2nd and 3rd generation hispanics identify as white? Or closer to white? That would make sense if the income and education breakdowns are similar to white voters.

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Dvaut and now others. Someone posted an article recently.

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That’s much, much, much better than mine! Darn it!

He did something good. Seems like he should probably try to reverse all of Trump’s shitty EOs with his EOs of his own.