The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yes obviously this ask is coming with Manchin the clear weak link.

If Dems agree to it can call it a wrap for America, but I don’t think this happens.

That said, our moron leadership should be starting the process of increasing this through reconciliation ASAP so that we don’t get to a spot where default becomes a real threat and Sinema snd Manchin come “save the day” with concessions.

Leadership should be looking to take the debt ceiling hostage and refuse to raise it unless and until Sinemanchin agrees to a reconciliation bill.

:roll_eyes: Even a credible threat to not raise the debt ceiling would cost hundreds of billions.

These bums need to start acting like democracy is on the line because it is. Put them reconciliation bill in with the reconciliation infrastructure bill and make Cinema and Manchin vote no.

If they don’t get the infrastructure reconciliation bill done there is zero chance they keep the house or senate.

They need to stop being fucking nits. Risk absolutely everything. Debt ceiling blowing up will be a fraction of the pain this country will suffer once the GOP locks in their fascism.

There is no difference between losing the house by 3 seats and losing it by 30.

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Won’t happen, but the bill to suspend it has passed by the House. So if Manchin and Sinema cut a deal to get the GOP on board not sure exactly how this would work. Dems gonna filibuster the debt ceiling that the House Dems passed and a Dem is President?

If this was gonna be the strategy it would have had to be put into play a fair bit earlier

Haven’t done any research but Schumer and Pelosi have to be top 2 or 3 worst Majority Leader and Speakers of all time right?

They are so awful

Edit: Not meaning morally


They’re great given their actual goals

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They’re fucking awful but I doubt their goals are fail to pass the infrastructure bill and let the debt ceiling implode. They’re just unimaginably dumb/useless.

Biden and the establishment Dems are basically a weak minority government that can only pass what the progressive sub-party and the Sinema/Manchin faction agree on.

There goals are “barely any change but something that they can exaggerate to get reelected and stay in power”. Inspiring.

He could win. I can’t think of any way Mike Lee represents me, fuck him.

That’s dope but we’re fucked regardless right? Republicans control most of the top courts so anything really important will get appealed up.

But lots of small case personal victories is nice.

Yeah, that seems like a fair summary.

Woah, this sounds big.


only 1400 people work at all of kellogg’s us cereal plants??? jesus


Cereal manufacturing is pretty consolidated

Stupid question that I don’t know the answer to:

Those generic brand cereals (and other products)…who makes those? With some products, there is a noticeable drop in quality. With others, not so much.

Pretty much eat wheaties or rice Chex these days so I’m good.

The stopped it quite awhile back, but as a good Michigander, I did do the Kellogg’s plant tour back in the day. Highly automated.

Most generic brands are made by the maker of the name brand, IIRC, and that’s for most products. The distributor does a little light extortion, saying that they won’t carry a certain product unless they also make a generic product for them that’s the same. There are exceptions, like some dairy stuff, Costco makes a lot of their own stuff, but the more complicated it is, the more likely it’s the same as the name brand.