The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Ho hum, just a terrorist getting PR help from the cops.

I saw on the politicalcompasmemes subreddit that the right legit thinks its the opposite. The cops are on the side of antifa and are protecting them LOL

This is flatly factually wrong and has been debunked on here any number of times. Trump did not turn out tons of new voters. For example, here are the Centre for American Progress’s numbers on demographic changes as a share of voters between 2012 and 2016 in Michigan:

White non college educated voters, the group who broke heavily for Trump, DROPPED as a percentage of the electorate between 2012 and 2016. Trump won because something like 9% of Obama voters defected to him. You can argue about the reason for that, but those are the facts.

I think he meant in 2020 when he got 70 million votes hence the 10 million new voters.

The game will be who will hold on to all these new voters. I’m betting on republicans since they’re way more engaged

I was obviously talking about 2020 when turnout increased by 23 million.


Trump votes in 2016: 63 million
Trump votes in 2020: 74 million

And quite a few suburban soccer moms switched so the real number of new in 2020 was probably more like 15 million

Nate Cohn has a somewhat revisionist history of Democratic politics. They didn’t have a message for Midwestern working class whites for the past 40 years. LOL at him saying no one remembers this; everyone remembers it. It’s exactly why they lose–because they were so obviously and completely full of shit the entire time. The only reason things hung in the balance is because the alternatives were Jebs! and Rmoneys who were also obviously lying about giving anything of consequence to uneducated hillbillies and were only ever doing corporate welfare.

The lesson here is that you can’t do a rug pull on the working class of an entire country just because a few dozen sociopath donors want to own spaceships and the water supply. I mean, you can, but expect stupid outcomes like a Fourth Reich and massive instability.

Because despite what Khan Academy tells you in Econ 098, this isn’t simple and globalization isn’t the obviously correct answer, at least not the way it happens in practice. For instance, I could “correctly” determine that me pocketing their incomes / livelihoods, keeping most of it for myself, and shipping the remaining crumbs off to Bangladesh where the PPP is way higher technically leads to more people being better off. However, that doesn’t account for the downstream effects of creating someone who wants to scalp me on Al-Jazeera and who will support all kinds of heinous shit as retribution. Scary thought which may even compel someone to trick them into thinking the black guy did it.

We’ve been stuck in this weird situation where we have to tell uneducated whites in Ashtabula and Romulus that it’s time to go back for that chemical engineering degree or drop two racks of high society on C++ boot camp. And we have to tell them that because we sold them out so that Jeff Bezos could save money paying people in India $1/day and become the first man to suck his own dick in space. Many voters predictably bailed on this, but the loyalists who stuck it out asked questions like “where are you on a bill that can help us with that?” and the answer they got was “clearly right in front of the elevator.” That may seem uniquely terrible but it’s been happening for a long time, and only recently did we get the guy offering a plausible path to genocide that would capture the hearts and minds of fence-riding swing voters.


I never played MtG, but I had a binder full of cards from HS I went through recently at my parents’ house. Found a NM Grim Monolith so that was pretty cool.


A major turning point in America’s history was Reagan not only winning, but absolutely dominating and doing so with an explicit “the government does bad things to you” message. Obviously there has been plenty of anti government rhetoric and libertarianish sentiment in the US for a long time, but Reagan really sold the idea that government was the problem, not the solution, and the Dems basically conceded that ground and ran into the arms of Clinton era neoliberal psychopaths. If the Dems didn’t have a message for Midwestern working class whites for the past 40 years, that was a choice. One of their biggest failings (which is saying a lot) is that the Dems are ostensibly the torchbearers for good government administration and they they have just decided to never talk to anyone about all the good the federal government does for their communities. They spend all their time arguing with Republicans about their complete fantasy world. If you want to have a message for working class, non-coastal whites maybe talk about the farm subsidies, ethanol subsidies, oil subsidies, and health care subsidies that keep their communities from spiraling into 3rd world conditions like Mississippi. Almost all of the idiots driving to Trump rallies in luxury pick ups with “Don’t Tread On Me” bumper stickers owe all of their wealth directly or indirectly to the US Federal government.


It also doesn’t help that the Republican project to make the government as ineffectual as possible has been such a smashing success. I don’t know how the federal government ever recovers tbqh. At this point I don’t personally support almost any policies that involve them making any decisions at all.

The reason they do dumb shit like means testing is to gum up the works and prevent the lower middle class and above from having a non abusive relationship with the government. It’s all designed to make tax cuts for the rich more popular.

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This all falls out of the “avoid talking about giid things the government does” strategy. When you dont plant the seed of “the Federal government does X Y and Z well” then new stuff cant be pitches as “were going to do this like we do X and Y and Z”.

The Dems abandoned the idea that the government does anything good, setting the stage for an underperformed government. It’s the definition of a self fulfilling prophecy.

I laughed hard at this but it would be even funnier to see it expressed as a BITMOJI


Amazing stuff from WaPo:

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This is the most telling piece of that article:

Financial experts said the uber-rich in the United States tend to pay such low tax rates that they have less incentive to seek offshore havens. But their absence from the files also may mean that very wealthy Americans turn to different offshore jurisdictions — including the Cayman Islands — and different companies than those represented in the Pandora documents.

It’s a disgrace that literally anyone can buy real estate anonymously in the US.


So, uh, what are we doing here?

On the majority report they said Schumer wants to make Mitch filibuster it because he thinks it will make Mitch look bad because Schumer is a fucking moron and think voters care about this lololol.

I guess it’s possible Schumer is considering tying it to the infrastructure bill to make it must pass, but apparently this would piss manchin off. Obviously we should make him take the vote we aren’t getting anything else out of him.

Long term though maybe forcing Mitch to filibuster it will help build the case that the filibuster must go if we ever end up in a position of having the house and 53+ senate seats which is a fantasy.

Great job Maine voters, A+ you fucking assholes