The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Not nuking student debt is the biggest own goal imaginable.

Boomer brain is just plain broken on this stuff.


I donā€™t think you can do student debt forgiveness until after the reconciliation bill passes. Doing it now will cause Manchin to lower his topline to compensate. Of youā€™re going to do, probably shouldnā€™t even hint at it to avoid spoiling Manchin. Am Iā€™m not saying Biden is going to do it, but thatā€™s how he should do it if he will.

Well, now we know who will build the roads.

Nobody, ever!


Manchinā€™s top line isnā€™t based on any actual metrics, lol. Itā€™s totally fucking arbitrarily lower than whatever the progressive Dems are asking for.


But LirvA promised me roof roads!

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How dare you! Manchinā€™s number is perfectly and precisely calibrated to give the people exactly what they need without creating an ā€œentitlement mentalityā€!

3.5T = fundamental change, welfare queens, irresponsible, inflationary!
1.5T= responsible, means-testing, helping hand, safety net


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So fucked


Also, this is wrong and dangerous. Itā€™s GOP racism, stupid. Trump voters DGAF about policy. At all.

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When is Biden gonna open up to UK travel huh? I know he hates Boris because he thinks heā€™s Irish but thatā€™s no reason to take it out on the rest of us. I want Irish reunification too! Plus I want to go and play magic the gathering in Vegas in November and I cant book anything until they say Iā€™m allowed in your dumb country.

Shit itā€™s been so long as I placed MtG. I thought the game was dead but apparently it isnā€™t.

Did a friday night draft at my local game store last night that had enough players for 3 full pods of 8. Good times.

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Jesus fucking christ lolololol

I really feel like the only hope for 2024 is for Biden to stick to not running again, the DNC has to not anoint Kamala fucking Harris as the heir apparent or something, and we just hope they can somehow nominate someone way less shitlib that can bring people to the polls and also doesnā€™t have the stink of this (probably zero accomplishment) administration on them. Odds of that probably <5% at this point.

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He has never said heā€™s not running in 2024 right? Thatā€™s a fantasy that the media made up.

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Yeah I feel like maybe he said it at one point but never in a way that sounded like it was a pledge or anything. In any case maybe heā€™s self-aware enough to realize heā€™s turbofucked and steps away on his own. Also small chance things turn around in the next 3 years and positive stuff actually gets done I suppose, but thatā€™s another <5%.

Iā€™ve seen plenty of pushback on this. First Obamaā€™s first term was during the great recession. Democrats were losing white working class voters before Obama, paused during the great recession and then resumed on track. So itā€™s not exactly clear that Obama had the magic sauce to hold white working class voters, rather the Great Recession did it.

I think his general prescription, that thereā€™s not enough liberals and theyā€™re not distributed effeciently seems true.

But the prescription, that Democrats should listen to polling and run ā€œmoderateā€ things like means testing, be anti immigration, etc doesnā€™t seem like it holds up or its a straightforwardly cause and effect as heā€™d like.

Itā€™s just objectively wrong. The idea that Democrats are bleeding white voters because of policy is ludicrous.

The difference isnā€™t vote switchers, itā€™s NEW VOTERS. The share of dumb whites voting for Republicans is skewed by Trump activating 10 million of them who never voted before.

This is a huge, widespread problem. The cops arenā€™t going to lift a finger when it matters, except to support the fascists.