The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The Administration says 12k of the Haitians in Del Rio were allowed into the US to pursue asylum claims. The rest left or were deported, the camp is now empty.

Simpsons did it


he would turn on a dime to issue his own trillion dollar coin. are you kidding me?

It’s kind of his thing.

only if he can have his fukken mug on it

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noone could stop that

This whole shit show flows from the idiotic decision to decouple the bills in the name of bipartisanship.

Manchin and cinema demanded it

Hilarious how manchin originally wanted like 5 trillion.

They’re talking it because donors don’t want tax raises or any climate change policy. They should be jailed.

All sociopaths. How do you get the point where you can help millions but you turn it down so you can get 100k in donations. Just absolute scumbags


The compromise should be to tell Manchin he can get rid of climate change provisions or tax increases, but not both.

He turns down climate change and progressives sink the bill imo

That bullshit isn’t pacifying anybody.

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Then cut the climate to appease Manchin and it will be the perfect establishment Dem bill. Maybe they can add a rider in for some coding class funding just to make sure they seem completely out of touch.

“Hey here are wildly popular ways for the government to serve the public. What we are going to do is make it super easy to attack it as a giveaway to the poor and lazy in order to appease absolutely no one in any way that matters”

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100K in donations?

God id be such a good president. Lean on manchin I’m every single way possible and then if nothing else get the DOJ involved with his daughter. Then the cia with the rest of his family.

Trump was the worst but in this same situation he gets this bill done. The doj would directly take his orders and put the pressure he wants and then he would apply a ton of public pressure

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There was a gov’t shutdown when R’s had everything when trump was president b/c he demanded $ for the wall he didn’t get so no, he wouldn’t

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Counterpoint: the attempt to repeal the ACA

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He ended up getting money for the wall via emergency usage shit.

But you’re right. How was he trying to get it? I forgot. Was he trying to get democrats to agree to it in the new budget? Lol dude was a stone cold moron.

Ok you guys are right. Dude was too stupid to get shit done, but at he always pushed for it

The ACA not getting repealed was good obviously but anyone think it would have wrecked the republican party? Obviously the true believer weren’t going anywhere but I have to think they would have gotten wrecked if they did it. Iirc the bill had like 32% approval