The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Biden White House leans toward releasing information about Trump and Jan. 6 attack, setting off legal and political showdown

Lol ‘leans’. My initial impulse wouId’ve been to shove that shit out the door asap. But then again, if I were sleazy enough to become president, my second thought would be to hold the good stuff back for a day to come when I might need dirt for some political blackmail. “Hey Mitch, just keep fucking around.” /fantasy

dumping it now doesn’t mean anything, got to be timed close to the election

not that it mattered in 16 but this is how this all works

now allows people to process and forget about it

This is all hypothetical since whatever information there is might not be particularly damaging relative to what’s already known. And even if there is stuff that could end careers, it depends on whose careers those are. To borrow strategy ideas from @NotBruceZ, something that could change a vote or two on legislation currently being considered would be nice. Get the vote (or abstention, if that’s enough) with a promise not to release info, then dump it at election time anyway.

Trump isn’t losing a single vote over some government report on his coup. Nor are the GOP candidates who would likely be “implicated” in such a report. It could lead to some primary challenges for GOP’ers who are shown to be anti-coup.

This motherfucker, right when I’m so close to the top.



damn come on stephen you’re better than this

I don’t even know how he got the 70%.


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It’s not really king’s fault. The media has been all in trying to blame progressive lol.

The media is really our #1 enemy

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Kate Porter is pretty great.

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Yeah I donate to her. Isn’t she in a district that leans republican? Kinda shocking she wins

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Looks like it used to, but by 2020 it went for Biden by 11 points.

what is he referring to here?

I think he’s just trying to do some WISDOM, I don’t think the 70% means anything. You see, Responsible People do Mature things like Compromise, donchaknow. If there’s one thing big problem with the Dems it’s obviously that they don’t compromise enough with Republicans.

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He’s saying Dems should take the latest GOP “compromise”, which he says is 70% of what Dems want or they’ll end up with nothing. I don’t know how he arrives at 70%.

Or what mosdef just said.

The replies make me despair. The “grown ups” who do and think the “sensible” things are going to end up killing us all. Seeing manufactured consent happen in real time.

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oh man, this is such fan fic, but on the other hand, since norms are out the window, we are quite lucky noone suggested it to trmp

trump wanted to default