The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

This is absolutely true, I just don’t think they could mentally enter the headspace where getting a cushy job from your dad makes you a lesser person. They’re like that guy from westworld, that doesn’t look like anything to them. I could be wrong but it would explain why they’re going to 11 rather than hitting on the obvious nepotism that is clear to everyone.

I’m getting more out of touch by the day, but hot fusion is just an on-going boondoggle afaict. Fission will be a factor for a long time and could grow but it depends. It seems tough in the US but the Chinese are testing several molten salt reactor designs.

I feel like fusion has always been a massive long shot but worth it to try, just because the yields and efficiency would be fucking insane.

I’m not opposed to the development work. Except for the opportunity cost, it’s fine. Gives physicists something to do at least. They will probably get there eventually. When they do, I’m not sure it will produce significantly less radioactive waste than fission. I don’t think I’ll have to worry about it in my lifetime though.

It’s only 25 years away……

I heard 50. Progress! But 25 is still probably more than I’ve got.

No it’s a joke. Its always 25 years away.

Yes, but the joke used to be that it was always 50 years away. So that’s still a kind of progress.


Man. Sucks McConnell can tank this! If only Dems were in the majority

Getting mad at McConnell for hypocrisy? Might as well get mad at snow for being cold or rain for being wet.


This guy needs to post here


The biggest lol was democrats just raising it for republicans I! 2017 and not asking for a single fucking thing.

Like yeah they do their donors bidding but they’re also incompetent as fuck

This would actually be a fun sweat if the US defaulting wasn’t a live outcome.

How is doing a cover up for Donald Fucking Trump who did a failed coup even an option for Biden? Lol dems as always.

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Its a fun sweat anyways, kinda rooting for a default and markets to give back 30 years of gains.

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Dems being handed a reason to nuke the filibuster on a silver platter.

And not taking it.

I mean manchin and cinema don’t want too regardless. Well their donors don’t want them too anyways.

You could gamble it up and put them in the position of nuke the filibuster or we default the economy. That’s what I think they should do because if we don’t get voting rights country is dead anyways

What if their donors don’t care and they still refuse to end the filibuster?

Lol the US will not default that would cause rich people to lose money.

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So, you’re saying we should default?