The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

That wouldn’t be very healing and trump voters might not like him

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He should have done that on day one. Literally anything that was possible to undo should have been undone.

Not doing this is basically Biden saying that on issue X, Trump > Obama.





Yeah, the idea that it took this long to do this is fuckjng dumb. I’m fairly confident most competent recent law grads could do the research and have effective EOs reversing Trump’s shit drafted in a month.

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It’s fucking hilarious Schumer thinks voters give a shit about this.

The fate of the planet is in the hands or complete morons

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There should have been a pile ready for Biden to sign on January 20th.

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As I said that would have upset trump supporters! He’s unifying the country

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Is Feinstein dead?

How would you tell?


Love your book Misery.


It’s only been 10 months, give him time.

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This is exactly wrong, and this guy is starting to really piss me off.

I really doubt NYTimes building has elevator operators. It’s a contemporary skyscraper.

It legit would not surprise me if the NYT building still somehow has elevator operators and also guys in the bathrooms handing out towels.

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One article says elevator operator, another says security guard. In honor of CNN and the Times, I’m going to both sides it and guess that the Times probably does have a security guard on the elevators in case someone tries to start something with a reporter or visitor and that the guard might also press the buttons when escorting a VIP and their entourage.

I’ve been in buildings where the security guard has to activate the elevator for guests (usually by swiping a magnetic card), but that’s not the same thing as an elevator operator.

But at least I know what they’re talking about now. And I could see how someone could term that person as such.

I think that’s correct. Yeah of course when it got down to a two-horse race between Biden and Sanders the media and establishment were all-in on Biden, but it’s striking how little party support there was for him at the start of the nomination campaigns. Like Biden was VP under easily the most liked-by-the-base Democratic politician out there, the message of “hey remember Obama” was the obvious one to go for, and instead the establishment spent months trying to shove losers like Pete, Booker, Harris and O’Rourke down people’s throats. Biden was seen as a risk, and the line against Sanders for months was that he was insufficiently intersectional. Why we didn’t get Sanders is a more complicated question, but the reason we got the ancient folksy white dude with a habit of failing horribly at running for President was that rank and file Democrats overruled party bosses about who the preferred establishment horse was.

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