The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

This happened to me too, sorry brother. I was lucky enough to escape from being software engineering adjacent on the coast, but I also had about $130k from borrowing $60kish. All mine were private pretty much since my parents made too much


If you put raising the debt ceiling in the reconciliation doesn’t that put a tremendous amount of pressure on cinema and manchin?

If so seems like a no brained. Make that shit the full 3.5 trillion and dare them to blow up the economy

I think what’s going on is Schumer wants to set the precedent that breaking the filibuster for fundamental shit is required. If and when it’s broken for the debt limit it’s a shorter bridge to cross to pass voting rights the same way.

This is some sweet summer child shit. Dems aren’t that competent

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Dems should pass the reconciliation bill without including a debt ceiling raise, then create the scenario where either Republicans agree to raise the debt ceiling, Manchin and Sinema cave on the filibuster, Democrats overrule the parliamentarian on whether another reconciliation bill can be done on the debt ceiling, or the economy gets wrecked.

The last case might be more desirable if you believe in the accelerationist idea that we need to have the government collapse instead of holding everything together with duct tape in order to get a more sensible form of government.

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It’s actually the exact kind of procedural bullshit they live for though. Setting a precedent on the debt ceiling is big WE GOT 'EM! moment for people that think the procedural precedents are sacrosanct.

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I’m glad I kept documenting my charitable donations on the chance SALT came back.

One problem that the likely next form of government under that scenario is facism/white nationalist kleptocracy. Maybe we are kind of already there, but that’s probably the accelerationism it drives.

Rich people at least will get hurt by this government fuck up, but the world where we default and now actually cant keep raising debt at super low interest rates is not going to be very conducive to passing progressive policy nor does destroying the economy while Dems nominally “control” everything sound like a trivially easy way to win elections.

The only way to stop the fascism is passing comprehensive voting rights before we lose the house. After that it doesn’t matter if the filibuster is in place.

Once we lose the house none of the stuff you said matters. They will keep amping up voter suppression to maintain control of Congress in the states they control and with the current court, once Dems don’t have a trifecta there is no limit to the level they can do it

Yeah rich people have it good, but in a crisis they are also best positioned to pull up draw bridges and weather bad times. An economic disaster hurts poor people more - just look at the K shaped experience of rich vs everyone else during COVID. Thats the template for all future crises - in hard times, shovel money at rich people.

Things are going great guys

What if there are no good options and any path you take is likely to end in disaster, so you need to make a plan knowing that it is more likely to fail than not but less likely to fail than other plans?

Im not sure it is less likely to fail than other plans, but definitely arguable. Not trying to argue you are wrong, but if thats where we are then yikes. Most of the effort we spend on here, to the extent we do, should probably be spent on figuring out how to emigrate.

My realistic alternative for emigrating is a country that is worse off then the US.

Sitting down?

This guy for president


Man, we’re really gonna default, aren’t we.


this is the part I can’t figure out. the republicans are basically giving the democrats the perfect excuse to blow up the filibuster, what am I missing?

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Republicans have manchin and probably cinema personal guarantee they wont after a sweet billionaire fundraiser. If they didn’t have that they wouldn’t be doing this.

Best case scenario they go to Mitch and tell him you need to get this done or I will vote to end the filibuster on this.