The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Taxing the shit out of the 0.01% to pay for social programs also polls incredibly well across the board but the Dems are too chickenshit to ever run on any progressive policies.


Itā€™s not arbitrary in that it is based on the Congressional Budget Act. It is, however, also based on the parliamentarianā€™s interpretation of that act. I donā€™t consider that to be arbitrary, but I suppose some of you do. I donā€™t expect Manchin to go along with overruling the parliamentarian on that (or, really, anything), so we are stuck with those limits.

No, the parliamentarian opines on it. Seems like 1-3 a year the consensus range, but think 3 got shot down earlier this year maybe? Something got shut down, cant remember if it was 3 outright or just the way the dems were considering trying to do 3 this year, but think doing a clean reconciliation debt ceiling might make doing another reconciliation bill procedurally challenging, parliamentarian might just kill it.

Seems like the current strat of ok attaching it to the govt funding bill is good and make the Republicans vote to shut down the government. Weā€™ll see if they have the stones to shut it down for a good long while until the debt ceiling can be passed.

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Theyā€™re just absolute morons. Just rotten mush boomer brain all around. I bet all the consultant they hire are 70+ too

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yes itā€™s essentially just an artifact of the rules of the senate which can be changed with a simple majority. most obviously, junking the filibuster would essentially eliminate this problem.


Reconciliation bills are now unlimited and endless in scope. Filibuster stays in place though. They really should do this, just like tx juked roe v Wade. If itā€™s a controversial thing, just change the rules so itā€™s effectively dead but yeah u can still say itā€™s not
Voters are too dumb to understand that



Told you all theyā€™d tank it

It only gets interesting if manchin offers 1 to 1.5 trillion but keeps a couple really good things like expanded medicare and universal childcare

Quick pop quiz - what was the dollar figure on any of the spending bills passed under Trump? Oh, right, nobody fucking remembers any of them and the price tag literally does not matter.


Did they actually pass any spending bills?

I have no idea.

Yeah I donā€™t think so outside of normal shit like budget and military.

The tax cut was like 1 trillion, now 2, but I guess that doesnā€™t count as spending. Afaik they didnā€™t really pass shit else

Does Covid relief not count? Because they passed the largest economic stimulus package in U.S. history (CARES Act) in March 2020. Those direct checks were pretty popular at the time.

ā€œWe wanted to give you more money but Republicans blocked usā€ is a thing an actually competent party would be talking about all the time.

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Iā€™ve been contemplating making a rather large purchase soon (new car, would be by far my biggest consumer purchase ever) that would be financed with a monthly payment that is a good bit less than my student loan payments. I canā€™t truly afford the purchase right now, but it would be a snap decision if I had the $1100/month Iā€™m wasting on obscenely high interest rate loans to cover it. Iā€™d love to help the economy out in that regard. So I made the mistake of seeing what the latest news was on Dems actually doing something to help working class americans instead of just catering towards the billionaires. Lol me.

Thanks Joe!

Carried interest loophole for private equity fund managers remains

Estate tax exemption stays at $22 million

Zero taxation of billionaire wealth / stocks

Step up in basis remains

SALT probably coming back


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Unless i misunderstood your post, you believe you are wasting money paying for the education you purchased and if you could just pass that cost onto the rest of us, you would help us out by buying yourself a new car.

Sounds resonable.

Yup, pretty much. Fyi Iā€™ve already paid pack more than I borrowed, and still owe $60k+. So the cost isnā€™t being passed on to anyone. I take it you were fortunate enough not to get saddled with six figures of debt at insane interest rates when you were a teenager? But thanks for playing.

Maybe my particular example is dumb, but lol at you if you donā€™t understand how fixing the debt crisis would be a massive shot in the arm to the economy.


The Dems missing how something is going to affect average Americans? No way. /s

Luckily (?) for me the largest portion of my debt is state loans that were never paused, so Iā€™ll only be adding back on the $353/month federal payment on top of the $820/month state payment that never stopped, and not being hit in the face quite as hard as some people will be come February.