The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I misread this as “Trump is an evil, sexy, moron” and I was gonna have some questions for you.

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Trump drives turnout on both sides.

“We’re going to give you free shit and the rich people are going to pay for it.” I think that is succinct enough to work.

I’ve got to think the donors will tell the GOP to knock it the fuck off with this debt ceiling bullshit. Could they possibly be so high on their own supply as to sit idly by while these assholes tank their stock portfolios?

Are you asking if Republicans are capable of doing dumb shit that is bad for the country and not in their own interests?

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Shit craters, selloffs at bargain basement prices from over leveraged America to the only ones with large amounts of existing capital, donor class now owns everything up and down the chain. Blackrock has already begun the process, just wait till the rest catch on.

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As telegraphed, Manchin came out today and said climate change mitigation shouldnt be part of the reconciliation bill as America is “already transitioning” away from fossil fuels.

EDIT: I assume the GOP play here on the debt ceiling is to make the Dems burn their reconciliation use for the year on raising the debt ceiling. Sort of high risk given the reconciliation deal seems to be imploding anyways. Maybe Manchin will cut a deal to not vote for any reconciliation package this year if the Republicans vote to raise the debt ceiling, feels like a Manchin thing to do. Dems in a weird spot, not sure how it plays out at midterms but the legislative agenda is 100% dead with a protracted default anyways.

Biden spoke at the UN today. I haven’t been able to find out if he got laughs or not. Trump got laughs.

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That approach already didn’t work in the 80s. They just will reply with some variation of this

and enough people will believe it. They won’t even be all that wrong. It’s not enough to tax Bezos, Gates, Buffett et al. to pay for all the things progressives want to provide. You’ll also have to tax the hell out of the Mitt Romney and Teresa Heinz Kerry types. That also won’t be enough. So next up we have the local car dealership owners and owners of a dozen fast food franchises. Now we’re getting closer but if we are honest a certain percentage of doctors, lawyers and Silicon Valley employees will also have to be taxed more.
Taxing those last two groups will be a much harder sell not just to those directly affected but to the general electorate because in short: voters are dumb.



Some people were saying that it was maybe the most and biggest laughs ever.

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Why won’t Mitch take his party back!

Oh god, the horror.

Does the debt ceiling need 60 votes? How much of the reconciliation will it take up?

God manchin is such a cuck. Anyone with any soul would get tires of republicans fucking around like this and would just nuke the filibuster

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My understanding is that If it needs to be done by reconciliatio

—it could be tacked onto the reconciliation bill, but that isnt going to pass in time it doesnt look like and it would have to be done is a specific manner (they cant suspend the debt ceiling, theyd need a number).

If the other bill isnt going to pass, theyd have to essentially use one of their reconciliation chips to pass the debt ceiling to raise it in this manner.

I feel like I already know the answer, but I’ll ask since I’m not sure:

Are these limits (whatever they are) on the number/frequency of reconciliation bills a completely arbitrary thing that can be changed whenever Democrats feel like it?

I am all for it but it won’t be as easy to campaign on that as taxing Bezos.

Just let the debt ceiling fail and let this shit hole collapse