The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I think I’m with you, NBZ. I’m ready to see the whole thing blow up. Tired of being part of the “we need 1 more vote” game to never accomplish anything.

We “blew things up” in 2016. It didn’t help.


I wonder what’s happening in the alternate universe where Jan 6 resulted in Pence & Pelosi being murdered on livestream. Wonder if the eDems are still talking about norms and bipartisanship.


Pretty sure we have God Emperor Trump in most scenarios where things get that far, so no, they wouldn’t be talking about them. They’d shut up or go to the camps.

I mean voting Dems will possibly stop full on fascism. We’re really on the edge of republican straight up right rigging elections and being a one party country. Likes of minorities and lbgqt are going to suffer if that happens

It fucking sucks but it dems stay in power democracy lives and we can keep pushing for more progressive I’m congress

so we got moderates demanding a vote by sept 27th and we got

progs insisting nothing gets done unless that other one goes through, but lol’d hard at calling other people small destructive group of members when she’s doing the exact same thing.

Only dems could fuck this all up and it’s coming from all sides.

I’m more practical than most and I’m completely supportive of nuking this bipartisan piece of shit. Mitch and the GOP played this perfectly.


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Lol the progressives have been super flexible. It’s only the republicans who are being ng destructive. Progressive aren’t out here saying they won’t vote unless it’s 6 trillion like Bernie wanted. They’re fine voting for the standard democrat bill or even less.

Like they’re down to vote for a shitlibs bill and negotiate it some, they’re already being flexible to vote for it. They aren’t out here demanding more. So how are they small and destructive? They should have to vote for whatever bill the moderates decide?

They’re basically going along with whatever the Dems want, even Nancy was demanding the other Bill go first dude


Minority and LGBTQ+ rights aren’t all that protected currently, SCOTUS is sitting on their hands while Roe is gutted and the dickbag responsible for Texas’s abortion law is trying to get them to overturn other landmark cases

It turns out you don’t need to hold office to get shit done if you’re actually willing to do the work.

Voters aren’t going to keep giving Dems power then watching them do absolutely nothing with it. 2022 is already going to be a tough sell, 2024’s going to be impossible if they keep doing nothing. “We know we haven’t done anything in the 4 years we’ve controlled all 3 branches of government the House, Senate, and White House but we promise if you just keep electing us eventually we’ll pass a budget”

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Oh also on the heels of this upcoming legislative failure, student loan payments are restarting soon!

Get out and vote Democrat!

Lolololololol fuck all these people


The progressives don’t have the votes to block the bipartisan bill if House Rs support it at 10% of the rate of Senate Rs.

Nancy won’t put it up for a vote, I don’t think. I’m almost certain she has agreed it doesn’t get a vote until the reconciliation bill passes both chambers.

Last time, voters punished Democrats for passing Obamacare. I can understand why Dems are gunshy. They’re wrong, but I can understand it.

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They could have done that and completely nuked the reconciliation bill already. They don’t have the votes. I get the impression you would like that though

The house is way more partisan than the Senate so it’s way harder to get people who will vote for a dem bill. I mean like 80% of them votes to reject the election. Well I don’t kno how many actually did but it’s a fucking lot

For all but like 5 GOP House members the only way they’re ever voted out is from the right, they’re never voting for any D bill


They arent going to have to worry about the 4 year argument biting them in 2024.

I dunno what odds Id need to vote Dems control House after 2022 elections, but probably would need to be at least 10-1 to be mildly interesting.

Nit point, they are never going to control all three branches of government, theyve lost the courts until all of us posting here are retired.


apathy towards voting and low turnout in general is another thing in the totalitarian toolbox. i know it feels hopeless, but even an inept opposition is better than a totally right-wing minority clinging to power.