The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I can’t imagine them holding the Senate either, even with the favorable 2022 seats up for grabs.

Damn, civics fail on my end. I mean uhh…obviously I was proposing packing the courts. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Negative partisanship can still keep them in the game. If they run on republicans are supporting trump etc they can win. Look what happened in California. Huge turnout and won by more than 2020

It’s like republicans never run on anything, just democrats bad. Dems can and should do the same thing about voting for a republican is voting for trump

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This is what progressives should do. Instead of running on “eDems bad”, they should run on “Republicans bad” and let voters Rorschach themselves into opting for a candidate who is more to the left than what they prefer.


Terry Gross interview with Evan Osnos, writer for the New Yorker, mostly talking about Joe Manchin. Interesting if you know as little about Manchin as I do. He has what I’d call a 3-wishes theory of the relationship between the Joes: Biden can ask and get something from Manchin, but only a few times. Also worth noting, Manchin is immovable if he thinks you’re trying to push him around.

Seriously running on a vote for this dude is a vote for trump and just hammer all the pro Trump shit they did or voted on. It would be more effective than it they got 3.5, trillion bill and tried to run on that.

Negative partisanship is super effective

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Did you miss the 2016 campaign? eDems ran on "TRUMP BAD;’ they got demolished.

Dems gained seats in the House and Senate despite running a WOAT presidential candidate.


In 2016 it was trump could be bad, now you can easily just point at…everything and say trump bad.


They also lost to Donald Fucking Trump.

2018 is probably a better example, they ran on TRUMP BAD and wafflecrushed.

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wat? No. They very explicitly ran on healthcare in the 2018 midterms. Did no one pay attention?

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LOL they’re seriously going to just default rather than break the filibuster

Dems should run on: ending the war in Afghanistan, defending ACA, taking COVID seriously, grabbing guns out of the hands of idiots, etc. etc. etc. All enormously popular positions. They’re not going to do that because they’re the most incompetent political body in modern history.

When they try to do that the media instantly adopts GOP framing on every issue and puts them on defense. Look, I hate them, but this is not an easy problem. Trying to scream into the hurricane about issues is not easy when the electorate has the attention span of a goldfish. I’m not saying you’re wrong, only that it’s more complicated than “poll well on issues, talk about issues.”

More importantly, IMO, what is the plan to stop hemorrhaging Hispanics? They absolutely do not have one.


The Afghan pullout still polled 2:1 in favor of getting the fuck out even after the media went into overdrive telling us how Biden murdered 13 Marines and the Taliban is running around raping and pillaging. It’s difficult to overstate how much the public disagrees with Republicans on nearly every issue. Gun control is like 80%+ in favor of tighter restrictions last I checked. They really couldn’t lose if they actually tried.

Hispanics, I have no idea. imo there’s no easy answer other than getting people into those communities and doing old-fashioned engagement. “Orange Man Bad” isn’t going to cut it, that’s for sure.

Engagement is the right word, but Facebook is the difference, not going door to door. There were tons of stories like this that didn’t get much attention that shouldn’t be ignored:

I live in a loooong term red suburban Philly county/township. 2018 was a referendum on Trump period. I’ve shared this before, but the lady handing out the R sample ballots actually said “I don’t bite” as people turned away from her in horror.

I’m old enough to remember when everyone was criticizing Hillary for basically just running too much on “Trump is an evil, sexist, moron” and not enough on policies that would appeal to the diner safari folk. Now we’re saying that is the correct line?

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That was before Trump had the highest disapproval of any president ever. Trump was an unknown quantity so most people thought saying he was going to be the worst most evil president ever was dumb. Now people, including independents, know its true.

Like I said, the recall was basically " a vote for Elder is a vote for Trump " and the CA recall turnout was huge and the recall won by more than in 2020