The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Democrats still think this!



Get ‘em Dick! Lol you can’t even pass the bill bro.

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lol when did he say that? No way they’re that stupid, if it’s recent hopefully it’s just a PR thing lol

I mean they did pick up a lot of suburbs, but those were independents or people who left the Republican party. Nobody who still voted Republican after 2016 is ever changing their mind.

Surprised you haven’t seen this, it’s an infamous quote. July 2016.

I don’t think they believe that anymore exactly, but I think they’ve just pivoted from thinking that there are moderate Republicans who are poised to vote Democrat at the very next election to thinking that there are moderate Republicans who are poised to “come to their senses” at some point and “take the party back”. I think this is intimately tied up with the centrist-liberal idea that they don’t have an ideology, that their worldview is just what is plainly obvious when you dispense with ideology. It’s like if a friend is tripping hard, your faith that if you wait, they will eventually perceive reality the same way you do. They’ve shifted from being like “hey, even people on acid will vote for us” to being like “well the acid gotta wear off eventually”.


I think that’s true but I still think a lot of them would be willing to nuke the filibuster to get certain shit done like voting rights. World renowned shitlibs klob is even pushing for that.

I think most of them sort of realize right now is a very dangerous time, and that extremism is about to take over and are trying to do something but manchin and cinema won’t budge. There are a ton of moderate who are happy they’re taking the blame, but I doubt they stand up to the heat if they’re deciding votes. Kind of like the house moderate mostly folded trying to demand a vote on the bipartisan bill.

I think the whole moderate republicans will come back stuff is just PR shit for their independent suburban voters. They have to know the republican party is gone. Only way they come back is democrats dominate politics for a decade and force them to moderate

I agree with this, the problem is I see it as similar to coaching in the NFL, where no matter how many times they see Brady wreck teams with a 2 minute drill, they’re like “well too risky to go for it on 4th down, gotta punt and TRUST THE DEFENCE and try to get a stop”. In both circumstances the incentive structures select for people whose instinct is to extend the game at all costs rather than choose the best opportunity to make a final, defiant stand.

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Yeah completely agree almost all of them have old rotten boomer brain. Biden is almost certainly being super polite and asking Manchin and Cinema to do it for the country LMAO. We needed an LBJ to even come close to making this shit happen.

They want to make something happen, but yeah like you said they’re relying on normal senate maneuvers instead of going all in and being wiling to burn bridges. I even bet part of it is they don’t want to ruin " friendships " with their colleagues.

Diane Feinstein is still in the senate lololololol gl

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Majority report makes a good point. Even if we don’t pass a bunch of stuff we aren’t drawing dead in 2022. What we should run on no matter what is negative partisanship. Just like the republican do. Just run on republicans being trumpism. Tie every house member and senator to voting for trump.

Recall was ran on that, Larry elder = trump. It got huge turnout and it was a higher defeat that 2020

It’s why republicans always get big turn out. Demonize and run on how horrible republicans are.

Problem is lol democratic leadership is super bad. But they did do it in California so maybe there is hope now that they saw the results

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They want republicans to tank both bills too if the moderates fuck around

What I’m saying is that they replaced Dove with Alan Frumin, who also wouldn’t let their tax cuts through, to the point that there were news stories discussing Republicans considering replacing Frumin a few years later because he wouldn’t let their tax cuts through.

My claim was crafted very carefully and was specifically about the vice president acting in such a manner.

When eDems are devoted to norms and procedures, people disagree with eDems. What about when I propose abandoning norms and procedures and suggest protecting democracy by any means necessary and being willing to consider tactics that violate current norms?

Trading blue-collar Democrats for moderate Republicans seems dumb, but maybe the real trade-off is losing uneducated voters in exchange for educated voters and Dems should lean into that swap and make college more affordable and more widespread.

Uneducated working class voters outnumber college educated by like 5-1. It’s not a good trade

The Trump superpower is turning out uneducated racists. They used to just not vote, he got 10 million more of them to the polls. If he does it again, he wins. If a fraction of those people show up for the midterms, gg.

Around 40% of adults over the age of 25 have college degrees, and they are higher propensity voters than uneducated. It’s much closer to even than 5 to 1.

They can also just ignore the parliamentarian on a case by case basis.

It’s the Facebook conspiracy nutters who were his new biggest voters. He was able to get young crazy ass idiots.

It’s negative partisanship. When you make out the other side to be evil your base will turn out. Dems need to start doing this more and it’s actually true. That’s why they crushed the recall. If they go hard on that in 2022 they will probably ok

But yeah if the nutters become regular voters lol were fucked

Can anybody convince me to vote for these dunces in the midterms? Or should I just vote for lower taxes instead?

Going to be hard to convince me to vote democrat when they can’t do shit.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for adhering to norms when it comes to counting votes in the 2024 presidential election.