The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Korea? I haven’t seen much on their missile tests. There are no good options. Least immediate risk is talk but do nothing.

Announcement is a new military pact between Australia, US and UK called AUUKUS (or maybe AUKUS, I’ve read different things).

From Australia’s point of view, the big news here is nuclear submarines supplied by the US. This is all aimed at restraining China, obviously.

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Should have been USAUUK pronounced “you suck”. You = ROW


Welcome to the nuclear club. No one will make crocodile dundee jokes ever again.


It’s just nuke-powered subs, not nuclear weapons. Australia will become the only non-nuclear power with nuclear maritime capability.

Thanks Scomo! I feel so much better now, dw about tackling poverty/inequality/house prices/covid

Shrug. Australia does need a strong naval defence going forward. But yeah, it would be nice if the federal government had any vision for the future on literally anything besides defence.


I mean what real benefit is this? They can stay out at sea longer?

Oh. Well then throw another shrimp on the old barbie cobbo and crack a tinnie cos the dingo ate my baby.


Nuclear-powered subs can stay submerged until they run out of food. Anything else, it’s until they run out of battery, which isn’t very long.

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Bernie is pissed. He went on a rage tweetstorm after this too.

The other big advantage nuclear has over diesel-electric is speed.

“Cobber”, but you’re unlucky to find the one Australian word not ending “-o”. Also not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but they’re not called “shrimp” here, it’s “prawns”. “Shrimp” refers to those small crustaceans you use as bait when fishing.

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Submariners are a special breed. I couldn’t imagine going on one period, much less for 30+ days at a time.

The ones doing it under the ice right now are legit insane.

My brother in law was one. Actually got to go on his brand new boat when it was commissioned, which was pretty sweet. It didn’t seem as uncomfortable as I might have guessed.

I don’t know. I’ve watched Das Boot and I swear I could smell that movie.

I imagine an enclosed submarine with 50+ teen/early 20s men smells like semen and farts.


I mean, it was brand new, so it didn’t have time to stink yet. It also was way bigger and more comfortable than a WWII-era diesel-and-electric get-up.

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They were appearing to talk up their close friendship, but Scott Morrison and Joe Biden’s AUKUS announcement quickly turned awkward when the US President appeared to forget our Prime Minister’s name.

Mr Biden thanked British Prime Minister Boris Johnson but then paused as he addressed Mr Morrison.

“Thank you, Boris … I want to thank, ah, that fella down under,” Mr Biden said.

“Thank you very much, pal.”



can’t blame him, even I didn’t know his name

Am I reading right that this was $700 billion of the reconciliation bill pay fors?