The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

When the movie On the Beach (1959), which takes place in Australia, was being filmed, the US Navy wouldn’t give them access to a nuclear sub, so they had to use a diesel-electric Royal Navy sub for the movie. Now Australia will get their own nuclear subs?

I went looking for the name of the sub in the movie (Sawfish) and ended up at an article about the Scorpion, a US nuclear sub that sank in 1968.

This is where Dr. John Craven, the chief civilian scientist of the special projects division and a skilled engineer, entered the picture. Craven, whose work had made him a legend in the Navy, had been instrumental in finding the lost H-bomb that had fallen into the sea off Spain when a B-52 collided with a KC-97 tanker. He had used a revolutionary method of calculating poker odds and mathematics to determine the probable location of the bomb. Despite universal scorn at his methods, Craven had led the Navy right to the missing weapon.

Wiki says the method was an application of Bayesian statistics.

I watched this awhile back and its pretty interesting. It’s about a nuclear submarine that is maping under that Ice I believe.

Anyways yeah it looks like they eat pretty damn well

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I know, right. I feel like I owe him at least a couple of apologies. There was a time I Quayle-bashed with impunity.

You don’t owe Quayle shit. I still shit all over John McCain even though he “saved” Obamacare.

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I probably should too. In addition to that, I give him too much credit for trying to correct that woman about the “Obama is an Arab Muslim” or whatever it was.

I just believe in never giving a Republican credit for anything, even if they deserve it.

I’m not there yet, but I can understand the merits of that strategy. They use it to great effect.

It is darkly poetic that your reward for tying yourself closer to the American empire in opposition to China is literally a sinking ship.



He is one of the most forgettable people on Earth.

Reddit calls him Scotty from marketing and I heard he absolutely hates that. No idea where its from but I think its funny

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Before entering politics one of his gigs was managing director of Tourism Australia, who market Australia overseas. The name became popular during the 2019 bushfire crisis as Morrison was trying to spin things to the country instead of doing anything.


It came from the Betoota Advocate. Australia’s version of the Onion.

“He’s not an Arab, he’s a decent family man,” is the epitome of how low the bar for GOP civility is.


That was the bar over a decade ago.

Zero chance that anything remotely that civil will be uttered by a GOP nominated for president any time soon.

TBF republicans had no idea how deplorable their base was. They definitely thought they had decent chunk of well off moderates. McCain was probably just trying to not lose the moderates.

The really deplorable folks are new to Republican base, at least in terms of turnout. Cause it’s the Trump party now.

I truly don’t understand why Dems don’t just end the debt ceiling bullshit once and for all with the reconciliation bill. This shit is so dumb, they always end up giving away stuff to Republicans to keep the hostage from being shot.

How do you end the debt ceiling? I doubt you could do it in a reconciliation bill. I mean without nuking the parliamentarian which they lol won’t do.

Before the debt ceiling, Congress had to pass separate legislation to authorize every individual increase in the debt. Without the debt ceiling, every bill could be an opportunity for a debt increase fight.

The most obvious way to ease the debt ceiling problem would be for the Senate to pass its own version of the Gephardt rule.