The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I forgot my other option, which in a way would probably be the best case scenario. Dems and the non-crazy contingent of the GOP carefully craft a bill that unfucks voting just to the point where the government stays at a stalemate 90% of the time with the parties continually flip-flopping and never holding the WH/House/Senate all at the same time, so they can continue infinitely grifting and collecting donations and promising things and never having to do them.

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right wingers are taking this presidency well

No. Please. Don’t go. :wave:

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So he is all set up to bring back slavery once the economy crashes everyone’s 401k and stock portfolio is eradicated?

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fuck all the way off with this shit, you’re basically saying you’re OK with minorities living in those states being reduced to non-citizens and having their human rights taken away

We accept all immigrants especially from the former USA. I guess we should have stayed in Afghanistan — a lot of women are having their human rights taken away.



I mean I’m glad he’s finally trying but lol at the timing. Now that it’s too late to do anything about gerrymandering, and he has almost no leverage because his approval rating has tanked hard as hell.

He MIGHT have been able to get this done ~3 months ago. Now he’s got no shot. But still glad he’s trying I guess.

Also doubt he will apply the type of pressure that is needed.


He’s just gonna say C’MON MAN! a couple of times and then say he tried.


So the House tax bill, which is sure to get further reduced before passing, if it even passes at all, is pretty terrible.

Capital gains from 20% to 25%

Top individual rate from 37% to 40%

First $400k of business income gets a tax cut to 18%

This is incremental, borderline meaningless change.

That should fix it.

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Everyone knows if Dems keep their tax increases small no one will accuse them of loving to raise taxes.


Dont forget it is eventually going to bring SALT back most likely, not even sure blue state wealthy people see a tax increase

Any tax at all is the SOCIALISM. In fact, corporate income tax should be -100% to reward the selfless Job Creators who make so many personal sacrifices for the greater good of the community. Why does Biden hate Job Creators? Is it related to his Border Crisis? Or the Inflation Disaster? Or the Afghanistan Shame? Let’s ask a Republican and amplify their statement.


Infuriating. Just naked, shameless corruption.


Its a pretty astonishing display of idiocy that mega-rich Republicans aren’t accepting the implied deal the Biden Democrats are offering.

“Accept very moderate tax increases in exchange for a stable system of government and the continued rule of law.”

This is an absolute no-brainer for the .01%. It is almost incomprehensibly stupid for them to assume things will go well for them under one party Trumpism.

Edit to add: and they don’t actually pay the increased taxes anyway! They still get to borrow tax free against their fortunes, deduct the interest and pass billions to heirs tax free.

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Grimes is at the Met Gala apparently dressed as a Dark Souls boss:


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Get AOC out of there and call in the asteroid.

You mean the donors ? These are super arrogant people who think they can control It.

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