The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Lol those guys don’t have near the value they think they do

unfortunately, he has to go scorched earth to get rid of him and as we’ve seen there’s a ton of other people still to get to.

Yeah was always big news in D/FW as they were building them here at one time.

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Just a stone cold fucking imbecile

Republicans know that it doesn’t.


Manchin is reportedly already shopping his compromise proposal to Republicans in an attempt to bring ten of them along to break a filibuster, according to Politico. He has consistently stated that he believes Republicans can support a voting rights bill that looks like the compromise draft he put forward in June, especially since it includes a national voter identification requirement, something Republicans have long sought.


Is that true? I thought they had generally and loudly opposed a national ID card for decades. Or is this voter ID going to be stamped, “not for identification”.

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He should an inseverability clause so that SCOTUS striking down one of the “good” parts of the bill would also get rid of the voter ID provision.

My idea of a compromise has been to offer to allow a voter ID law in exchange for a compulsory national ID card and automatic voter registration of every citizen.

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Sounds good to me. Ofc that last item not happening.

If dems pack the court the republicans might pack the court and then there might be a rebublican majority on the court. Imagine that!


I remember a bunch of people on here were arguing they might retaliate and it’s like… We have nothing to lose lol

It’s already gone around, motherfucker! Time to make it come around!


All the brown people’s voter IDs will magically expire the day before elections

In a completely ass backwards sense, a National voter ID could backfire on the Repubes. All the really bad shit of the state laws would get stripped out and there would be good equal access claims once there is a national standard for voter eligibility. A competent dem DOJ would have a field day.

Would put SCOTUS in an interesting spot.

Not that I have any idea what’s in the bill, but requiring identification for voting (which is one way to interpret “voter identification requirement”) is a lot different than giving everyone an ID card.

Ok, I see that. But requiring ID without ensuring that everyone has a way to provide it should get Joe and his R friends a great big fuck you.

So the talk of any kind of HR1 variant that might pass sounds like potentially amazing news, so what’s the most likely way this turns to shit? Will it just be total theatre to make it look like something’s getting done and in the end zero Republicans get on board? Will the bill be so watered down it winds up being some lol thing that doesn’t touch gerrymandering and somehow makes it harder to vote? Will it be more Lucy football garbage where it’s about to be voted on and Manchin says it would be prudent to pump the brakes on it until after 2022 when it won’t matter? etc.

It’s going to die when Cinema and Manchin refuse to bypass the filibuster to pass it.

Well yeah so my first option then I guess. Lots of playing pretend that they’d ever get 10 GOP senators on board and then when they don’t, “oh well we tried our best to play within existing rules!”