The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I’m not really into following this stuff but as I understand it, the F-22 didn’t suffer from that so much as the F-35. The F-22 was designed for air superiority. My impression is its problems came from pushing too hard on the technological edges.

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I would check in with my Taiwanese acquaintances but they’d probably think I’ve cracked. I doubt they feel any more threatened by China today than yesterday.

Eh. It’s a joint strike fighter with ground attack, electronic warfare and signals intelligence capabilities. Further many of its problems and delays have been due to the electronics being a fucking mess as well as bad life support systems.

I would argue that the F35 and the F22 are both garbage for the same macro reason… which is the worst cases of overdesign I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

A while back I read an article about some stupid fucking plane that was supposed to take off like a helicopter and fly like a plane. It was like 15 years past due and tens of billions over budget but everyone just kept getting paid, we are just the absolute fucking worst, so enraging.

I’d guess that’s the Osprey. The story is similar for all big government/military development projects afaik. They have a logic of their own.

My buddy works at Lockheed on the F-35. He is the absolute definition of a government funded jobs program. He says he hasn’t done a single bit of meaningful work on the plane in his 5 years there.


F-35s fly over my house every day. They are loud as fuck. I hate those goddamn things.


That’s the sound of Freedom™ in the Middle East though, I’m sure they love USA #1 and our loud death machines.



This thing looks stupid and I can’t imagine it flies very well. I wonder what was wrong with the Harrier Jump Jet concept the UK came up with like 40 years ago to accomplish the same thing?

Harrier envy caused the US military to waste a LOT of money. JFC it’s like they decided at random to ignore the fact that we have military bases with airstrips and aircraft carriers all over the fucking place and spend a few hundred billion on solving for what if they didn’t.

From wiki, Osprey has its roots in the failed Iranian Embassy rescue attempt. Needed high capacity for personnel. The thought was if we had something like this it wouldn’t have gone bad from the start.

I’ll the goal is to transfer money from taxpayers to military contractors, which it is, then the project was a mammoth success.

I had an opportunity to see an Osprey IRL at Miramar. At least they look cool.

I guess different strokes for different folks!

I’ve seen an Osprey land, it’s very cool and surprisingly quiet.

not like YOU JUST SAW RBG doing this and it was a total disaster or anything asshole

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Wait Kellyanne Conway works for Biden?

How? Why?




I just put a card in a USPS dropbox. The pickup times were illegible. Maybe it will be delivered after DeJoy is fired.