The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Buttagieg acted logically if he believed Sanders couldn’t win in the general election.

If Pete actually gave a fuck about democracy he would have endorsed Bernie. GTFO with this horseshit, he’s a nakedly power hungry amoral scumbag.

But as Witchita notes, who cares.

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If Pete had gone 100% on Medicare For All, he’d be president right now.

I actually still believe this.

Voted Bernie but I don’t think we’d be any better off with Bernie in office right now given the current environment. Runaway inflation that hasn’t been seen since the 80s with a self-avowed SOCIALIST in office… the narrative writes itself.

HAHAHA where’s @SweetSummerChild?

That would have made the hate from the left even worse in the end. Instead of weird CIA rat memes it would have been weird thief rat memes.

It was never about his policies. It was about him becoming a threat.


In general you may be correct but that isn’t the case here (this forum specifically)

Very much disagree with all of this, but for this line specifically, “a threat” to what?

It’s why the memes and hatred came about on twitter…which spread to here. Everything I saw on twitter first eventually made its way here…and I was extremely online during the summer of 2019. Even if subconsciously, all that shit influenced people here. It’s fine to not want to admit or accept that, but everyone falls prey to propaganda, not just the GQP.

come on, man, you gotta make me say it?

His policies were worse than the alternative 🤷 I don’t expect to shake the narrative you’ve built

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Well yea, but only because he was a threat to win while having worse policies than the preferred alternative. Replace all of his policies with Bernie’s and we would have been falling over backwards to support him. Crazy how that works.


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Lol. Ok sure whatever you say. Literally posted several memes above:

Not trying to turn this into the re-litigation of the 2020 Democratic primaries, but I’m just begging for a legitimate significantly left of E-Dem national candidate who wasn’t alive during the FDR administration.

There was a time when I thought Pete was it. I wasn’t alone.


drake_no Lying dog-faced pony soldier
drake_yes Alienating rat-faced corporate puppet

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lol, I mentioned his name in an offhand way this afternoon and it triggered a blitz of memes. idk, y’all are being a bit ridiculous.

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Find one who can lie and credibly pretend to be a centrist.

Hard to buy that given the shitty things said here when he had his kids.


I’ll speak for myself but I assume this may resonate with others: Pete is just such a perfect microcosm of the gap between potential and reality that exists with the modern democratic party. Young, well-spoken, midwest-ish, there’s a lot to like. And instead of actually advocating for change he trots out shit like “people love their insurance” and joins the establishment core of the party in attacking outsiders. It’s not that he was a bad candidate compared to the others–I’d have him above Biden, for one–it’s that he could have been different and turned out to be just another shitlib

It’s like being angry at Pete goes hand-in-hand with being angry about the fact that the democratic party has no good young progressive presidential candidates, so he bears the brunt of everyone’s frustration.


When he trotted out “but how are we going to pay for it,” was when he pissed me off. Like he’s supposed to be the glidepath guy, so he either believes single payer works (he’s not a moron so he knows it can), or he’s full of shit.

And that’s the one Pete argument skydiver always dodges. She’ll argue for the glidepath and say Pete’s plan was good, which is fine, that’s debatable. But bring up that he trotted out bullshit GOP talking points to sink Bernie on healthcare, that also attack his own plan, and she won’t engage.

That’s my only problem with skydiver’s Pete takes and my main problem with Pete. That and endorsing Biden, even though it was obviously a shrewd career move for him.