The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Someone, anywhere, anytime: “Pete Buttigieg”

This place:


Yeah so why did he drop out suddenly in concert with no possible reasoning other than nuking Bernie / bribery? I’ll wait

There was nothing unfair about him dropping out.



No one is mad about Pete in October 2022. We are sitting around having a laugh on the deck chairs of the Titanic.

I’m not sure I agree. What is the path to Pete ever gaining political office again? He isn’t winning in Indiana. The Dems aren’t getting a president again anytime soon. Carpetbag? I’m not sure he could win a primary anywhere actually blue.

He will literally be a footnote for the 2020 primary in the eventual multipart documentary about the fall of the US in a few years.

My stepmom hates his guts for…maybe he made Dana Perino look stupid or something. I honestly don’t know, though she did mention the hospital bed nonsense. Maybe tolerating that has led to litter boxes in high schools in her warped reality.

cmon whats the path? His path is he’s a non fossil that “fights”, to some degree. There’s 10s of millions of (young) dems that want that, I can’t think of anyone else who fits that category.


Because he knew he couldn’t win.

Why waste time, effort, money, and mental/emotional/physical health when you see no more path to victory? He knew he wasn’t going to get delegates in SC. He got way less in NV than he predicted.

Also, I recall people saying Obama influenced his decision. If you want to blame a former president for advising him to drop out, it wasn’t Obama. It was Carter. He had breakfast with the Carters the day before and talked about it then.


He and Chasten recently moved to Michigan [Traverse City, iirc] and he registered to vote there. That is Chasten’s hometown, so I’m sure being closer to family was a big motivating factor, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if he thinks Michigan is blue enough that he could win a race for Senate or Governor and maybe eventually run for President again as the Midwest Whisperer.

I mean that’s fine in a vacuum. What could he actually get elected to in 2024 and beyond USA? The answer is nothing and so selling out to slightly raise his political capital in the short term doesn’t seem smart to me.

Pete isn’t winning a primary in Michigan as a transplant imo. The left wont forget 2020 and the moderate types are like 25% bigots still.

Sure but that assumes he’s aware that waaf. He seems like a big boot licking establishment guy, I’m sure he thinks he’ll have another chance

I complete agree he thinks that. I just don’t think it’s based in reality.

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I don’t know enough about Michigan politics to speak intelligently on the subject, but his equity seems to be higher than in Indiana even if it is still quite low.

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It obviously didn’t come out of nowhere. We’re discussing the fact that Biden is gearing up to run again and there aren’t any good young candidates to replace him:

Obviously any time “potential presidential candidates” comes up people are going to bring up the previous candidates, and given the focus on how fucking ancient the democratic party is of course Pete is going to be brought up as a colossal disappointment. I’m sorry that most of the forum disagrees with your opinion of Pete.

Not to mention my guess is that almost all of us would prefer Pete to Biden. I certainly would. This idea that there is irrational hate for Pete at this point rings pretty hollow. It was probably true in February of 2020 but to me at least it’s just funny to look back on. Both our guys lost skydiver and we got a literal corpse driving us unto the abyss. For me it was just funny to look back at the shit on my phone from early 2020. I cared more than I should have because it didnt matter at all.


Sorry, Pete was banging the gong about saving democracy LONG before anyone else was. In the very first debate he was the only one who said he’d use his day 1 political capital on democracy reform. He knew it wasn’t sexy and that the average voter didn’t care about it, but he didn’t back down…and look where we are now: democracy reform is all everyone talks about. I’m pretty sure he knows the stakes.

Also, lol, he only became a disappointment when he went from long shot to real shot (wait, he’s taking votes from my guy/gal? He wasn’t supposed to do that…he’s a RAT!). Which is totally expected. What wasn’t was the dehumanization, homophobia (latent or blatant), and irrationality from people who are supposed to be allies.


Fair, and true.

Honestly, I am just slightly tipsy after I walked 4 turfs today (~200 doors!) then sat down and had a little more whiskey than I probably should’ve had.

Also, I laugh at them too, just not for the same reason (not to offend anyone, but it’s te same reason I laugh hysterically at the weird hit pieces on my candidate now…it’s just so funny!)