The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I’m old enough to remember Biden pledging to only serve one term after everyone was questioning his fitness/age. Shocking that an octogenarian democrat politician actually only cares about staying in power.

It doesn’t really matter if you have the establishment behind you. Hillary was a horrible candidate and got the nom. Same for biden - he ran like 5 times with little success until he had the establishment behind him

I can see a Pete-style eDem running on a “go to bed old man” platform. Which I guess is a marginal improvement. Is there anyone to the left of Wareen who could pull off a national campaign?


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Of course it doesn’t help that successful left wing organisers keep dying “in mysterious circumstances”


Pete is the establishment he dropped out for no reason other than nuking Bernie, fuck him

He’s good at being on Fox News, which is the only place he should be allowed to show his face


What if we rage with the machine is my fav Pete meme


Newsom has been working towards a presidential run for at least 15 years and he looks straight out of central casting. The only reason he would not be running if the opportunity arises is if he thinks he has a much better shot four years later.


Why would the courts allow him to pause further? Pretty sure ability to pause is from the same legislation that the court is indicating they aren’t going to allow to forgive debt. Yeah they can’t actually make Biden collect the money I guess, but they can essentially make everyone rack up interest and penalties dependent on final verdict.

I don’t think they’ll have the balls to go and unwind everything done since the pandemic started, and law is all calvinball anyways, but the argument is that the executive can’t do this unilaterally. Logically the pause part of that same relief authorization.

Newsom, of course, already straight on record against Supreme Court reform so gonna be useless.

This one wasn’t bad either

He also pulled a Trump declaring victory in Iowa prematurely.


Right now there’s just an administrative stay of his ability to do loan cancellation. I don’t think the stay effects his ability to do a pause. He could get sued over another pause for sure, but as a practical matter, it would be paused during the pause, if that makes sense.

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No idea where to find it but there was one of him heading into chuckee cheese to celebrate his win with his rat friends that made me lol

I have that somewhere on my phone. Let me see if I can find it.

The stay right now doesn’t, but the final ruling would and the court could choose to make clear ahead of time that if they rule that way penalties and interest accrue. Are there other rules that allow the government to waive interest and penalties? I assumed not since waiving interest would have been easier in a lot of ways. Hopefully there are ways.

This one still holds true. Sadly going through my phone in February 2020 just reminds me of the before Covid times.


Can’t find that one meme unfortunately. Best i can do is:

And bonus 2020 election meme:


The Administration is saying the stay doesn’t affect taking applications, so that will continue.

I had completely forgotten that Tom Steyer existed.


As near as I can tell he fucked off back to his Scrooge McDuck vault. Who could blame him.