The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I can usually see some sort of strategy with these clowns but why do they even want to make “drastic cuts to medicare and social security”? WTF? Zero political advantage, hugely popular programs, who gives a shit?

The cruelty?

I believe the recent article claimed Medicaid not Medicare, which makes more sense.

Yeah sorry misread that between meetings.

Because their donors want it and these crazy boomers will STILL VOTE FOR THEM and call it fake news.

It’ll be real news when their benefits get nuked and they can’t pay their bills.

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Student Loan relief halted.

Sigh. This is what I was afraid of. Wonder if it prevents further pauses.



I’m guessing it worked out almost exactly how Biden wanted.

Lol dank Brandon

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Welp, better expand the pause then, Id say another, oh, 25 months or so sounds about right. Courts work slow, yo.

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This hilariously is exactly what I’ve been rooting for since forgiveness was announced.

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Yeah, if he extends the pause again in response to this (which is the only reasonable response so hopefully he fucking does it), then it’s kind of win win win if the forgiveness eventually does go through.


Good god how is he not exhausted. I’m already ready to retire and watch Columbo reruns and my job isn’t 100th as stressful as being president.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug. Try obsessing constantly about what everyone else thinks about you all the time and tie your self worth to their perception of your worth, you’ll figure out pretty quickly what it’s like to be ol’ Donnie Dumb Dumb.

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Just retire, hand the reins to Kamala and have fun being the elder statesman that eDems basically like. Reschedule weed on your way out the door and be the cool grandpa ex-president.


He’s dying before our eyes. He can’t speak! Kamala likely an even worse candidate, lol Dems.

Kamala as a candidate in 24 or 28 seems inevitable; the whole establishment is behind her and I don’t see any credible left-wing threats.

Kamala vs Desantis in 2024. Does Kamala even crack 200 electoral votes?