The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

They’re actually airing this on Fox News? The production values are way more Newsmax level.

Mock trials of political opponents for entertainment–rounding out our “descent into fascism” bingo card nicely.

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Why doesn’t someone do a mock trial of Donald Trump that involves the Trump stand-in being gagged and abused?

Honestly, budget things is legit the most political and least judicial thing there is, if this was allowed by Conservatives then the court would have legit been cancelled…after the midterms.

This one was so dubious on standing. My only worry was whether she’d use it to stay the relief until one of the better cases ripened. Hopefully a good sign this won’t be stopped.

Based on all the 6-3 decisions she’s been a part of I’d say standard R, not quite as far out there as Alito/Thomas/Gorsuch. So pretty much like Rapenaugh 2.0.

Better not do it now, better to wait until catastrophic things can happen and you can get bent over a barrel by GOP and still get blamed for raising it.

They should write up a bill and call it the: Automatically Pay the Minimum Balance on the National Debt Act… The bill should just automatically bump the debt ceiling unless Congress stops it, and they should brand this as being akin to setting up Auto Pay for the minimum for your credit card bill in case you forget to pay it.

For once, ever, just make it simple and brand it well.

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This used to exist before Gingrich came along and realized he could use the debt ceiling as a tool to bludgeon the dems with. Pretty much there was a mechanism in place that when they authorized spending it automatically increased the debt limit by that amount but he pushed through an end to it.

We’re going to have debt ceiling games until Democrats embrace MMT.


Absolutely nothing has came out of the debt ceiling stuff for the last 8 years or so and the one time it did Democrats looked stupid for thinking Republicans would never agree to cutting their precious programs.

Fuck Yellen. This is gross incompetence across the board. I can’t imagine why they’re going to manage to lose both chambers of congress.

You mean fuck Biden right? The way I read it Yellen wants to nuke the debt ceiling yesterday.


I can see establishment Democrats thinking that it is good to have occasional debt limit showdowns so Dems can demonstrate repeatedly that they will protect Social Security and Medicare from cuts that Republicans want, so they wouldn’t want to get rid of a mechanism that provides them that showcase.

I think you’re giving them way too much credit. They’re likely just fucking idiots who have no clue how it works and just think “BIG NUMBER BAD” and that’s as far as it goes.


Mainly, establishment Dems think they can just weather the storm and eventually Republicans can get back to normal, so they don’t want to wreck political infrastructure while waiting for that to happen. They mostly think in terms of what sorts of checks and balances they want against Republicans of the past.
They’re still not ready to treat all Republicans like orcs.

It wouldn’t even be wrecking infrastructure is the thing. It’d just be going back to the status quo before Gingrich wrecked it in the first place. And these fuckers are certainly old enough to have been around when that shit went down or at the very least remember it (well maybe not DiFi lol). Just gutless idiots all the way up.

They want the debt ceiling as a tool to continue to help them continue to align with Republicans to thwart radical changes to the status quo that Dens sometimes give lip service too but really dont want to occur. Dems also enjoy the red team vs. blue team game that both parties enjoy playing.

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