The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Maybe stop kissing the ass of the 9/11 guys who do nothing for us, Joe.

Not sure we should give a shit what the Saudi version of Eric Trump or Billy Carter has to say

Applying for loan forgiveness was way to easy. Expecting disaster during processing.


Since weā€™ve been deprived of a perfectly good conspiracy theory thread, Iā€™ll leave this here:

I guess they all fall under the umbrella of Conspiracy Theories but ā€œEpstein didnā€™t kill himselfā€ and ā€œLHO wasnā€™t alone in plotting to kill JFKā€ feel like grade school versions, too obvious to be true conspiracy theories

Biden is funny when heā€™s in a hurry and people are bothering him


Biden is doing good here

ACB currently in charge of the decision of whether to stay loan relief pending lawsuit. She can refer to the broader court or decide herself. Plaintiffs note that the decision to extend the student relief came after Biden declared the pandemic over.

So it could be decided that payments resume asap?

Will depend on what God says when he speaks to ACB in her dreams.


I think the lawsuit just wants to stay the actual cancelling of loans until the lawsuit is heard so seems unlikely just loan payments come back mmediately, but payments resuming 1/1 or whenever with the student loan current balances left as is definitely in the range of outcomes. This particular lawsuit seems super dubious to me as it doesnt even really attempt to get around the standing issue, so weā€™ll see. Guess ACB could stay using this lawsuit to give some of the other cases more time to reach the Supreme Court.

Other lawsuits have more of a chance. IMO you can tell by the Biden administration actions (in particular, the very fast cancelling of relief to like 7.5 million private borrowers when a private borrower or lender sued) that losing in court a very real possibility if someone is granted standing. Hard to unring the bell once loans are zeroed out, so this may end up in an area where some people get relief based on the whims of what was processed first then the courts stay the rest.

Should be interesting to watch in the coming months.

If ACB does stay it, can pretty much start budgeting for 1/1 payments to start back in full.

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Yeah I applied right away because I figured they wouldnā€™t undo it

Arenā€™t we supposed to be, like, not doing the oil production thing for the sake of the planet

In theory yes. In practice people like lower gas prices and will vote out people who visibly keep them high.


Iā€™m surprised they havenā€™t made him black yet

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They need to work in a steel cage wrestling match.

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Whoā€™s gonna tell her?

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I was wrong