Should’ve waited 420 minutes for max lolz
why is the actor playing Joe Biden so miscasted?
It’s not like the producers could be picky. It was either him or Craig T. Nelson.
Amazing that the Chapo Boys haven’t done a movie episode on My Son Hunter
They did
Working hard! Thank you!
Very Trump like tweet, I like it
Today’s no malarkey quip.
This is a shameful and unprecedented attack on a coequal branch of government! Dems just don’t respect the norms of a healthy democracy.
If you think about it, this is the real insurrection.
Lol. Saudis have been cucking the US for decades. What the hell do you all get out of this relationship?
Trump gets to touch the Magic Orb.
Sometimes they knock down our buildings and we respond by attacking their enemies.
Head. Nail.
And let’s not forget the bonesawing.
But fuck with oil prices before an election? THAT SIR IS A BRIDGE TOO FAR.