The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Now do voting rights!


ā€œThe dose makes the poisonā€ is the oldest bit of wisdom in the field of chemistry. Of course a chemical that already exists in some small amount in nature could be considered a pollutant at higher concentrations.


thatā€™s one of the worst cases of ā€œlibrul bureacracy run AMUCKā€ actually being true that Iā€™ve ever heard of, fucking lol. they did it because legally they already defined fish as including invertebrates and this it was the most expedient way to get bees on the list of animals.

like just write a new law, hahahaha

as Iā€™m writing this though, I realized that very technically bumblebees are a type of tuna.

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Why waste time write lot laws when few laws do trick?


Dihydrogen monoxide is freely soluble in drinking water. Exposure times of 4 minutes can cause death. Itā€™s everywhere. Itā€™s in your food


Props if true.

Thatā€™s the joke.



by transitive property, Jim Halpert is also a bumblebee.




The reporting on this (as with basically everything) has been atrocious. The details matter!

As someone mentioned earlier, this isnā€™t always true. At my school, undergraduate business school and engineering students definitely pay more in instructional costs.

Any word on whether this student loan thing applies to graduate loans? I was endowed with my wifeā€™s law school loans when we got married. We havenā€™t had payments paused and I donā€™t really think we ā€œdeserveā€ to have them cancelled. But if weā€™re eligible for a free $10k, Iā€™ll certainly take it.

There have to be a ton of people who refinanced or have private loans and donā€™t understand they arenā€™t getting any forgiveness.

Looking at the details, it looks like she consolidated them in 2003 (almost certainly resulting in a private loan). But theyā€™re at a 1.625% rate, so itā€™s really hard to complain about it. I mean, I can complain that weā€™ve still got these loans even though she only worked as a lawyer for like 3 years before becoming a SAHM. But I donā€™t really expect any sympathy on that front - weā€™re in a pretty fortunate position.

The problem with making arts/humanities guys pay more is that only rich failsons will occupy those spaces and they will look like what the NYT op-Ed pages look like now: cultural fields will just be full of dipshits like Bari Weiss and Brett Stephens who can afford to work an unpaid internship in Manhattan.

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You can probably reconsolidate these loans back into the federal government through myfedloan, and keep your interest rate, and be eligible for both the payment pause and loan forgiveness (depending on the timeline of when the loan forgiveness happens and the exact details). The fact that they are ā€œgraduateā€ loans has nothing to do with it.

It depends on exactly how you consolidated them originally, but yeah, the messaging on this has been terrible, and as long as you didnā€™t consolidate them with private loans, they likely can be consolidated back with the feds. I posted about it 2 years ago when the payment pause first started. The only thing you might lose are minimal ā€œextraā€ incentives your current servicer has thrown in (like if your current servicer gives you a .5 percent rate reduction for direct debit instead of the feds .25 percent).

Interesting, thanks. I think theyā€™re considered private loans, because when I go to the servicing website, I see this:

And our/her account starts with a D. So Iā€™ll continue to assume weā€™re not eligible, but will definitely contact them depending on what the announced details look like.