The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

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bookmarking that because that’s gonna age gloriously whenever the day comes that guy’s broke because with these dudes it’s all projection 1000% of the time

i will laugh so hard if i qualify because they use my 2020 data

It’s 250k for married filing jointly I believe.

If you opt to install a heat pump, you’ll be eligible for a federal tax credit for models that achieve the Consortium for Energy Efficiency’s (CEE) highest tier for efficiency.

This tax credit is good for 30 percent of the total cost of what you paid for your heat pump, including the cost of labor, up to $2,000; and it would be available through the end of 2032.

Beyond the tax incentive, you also could be eligible for up to $1,750 for a heat pump water heater and $8,000 for a heat pump for space heating and cooling.


Any taxpayer would qualify for the federal tax credits.

Awwww yea!

The rebates depend on income.


Why are you people still on about this? Trump already fixed student loans.

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Which is more than generous, but I still wouldn’t qualify on my 2021 return. Will see what exactly is the way they will means test. I just would find it hilarious if I did qualify because they used my 2019 returns (I forgot that’s what they’re currently using) because of some good ole government inefficiency

One of my colleagues and I came up with a pricing structure that’s completely opposite of what you’re proposing based on our experience. There would be two tracks: a degree track (free) and an experience track ($$$$$). The degree track is real majors with real classes that require real work and result in real grades. In the experience track, you live in luxury condos, attend “interesting talks” by Malcolm Gladwell types, enjoy luxury boxes at sporting events, go to wine tastings and day spas, etc. You know, Aunt Becky shit. No grades or requirement that you do anything except cut that fat check. Because the point is that it’s pretty much already this except everyone pays the same.

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this is not entirely correct. colleges already do this to some degree. some schools within a university may already be subsidized by the state, and charge different tuition. e.g. Engineering costs 2-3x more than Agricultural and Life Sciences at cornell. Architecture school was in effect more because it was a 5 year program. i believe CMU charged more for its CS school than others.

however, i think it is a fools errand to try to adjust costs based on current “value” of a degree, which is likely salaries. that’s a lagging indicator, but it also simply ignores any developments in our life. like meteorology and forestry was basically useless in the 90s, but now you wish we had a whole corp of people working on climate solutions. so… does that mean engineers brag, liberal arts are beat, and biologists are variance? that’s very much unlike any higher instution’s mission or motto.

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there’s always going to be a way to come up with someone who gets unfairly fucked, that sucks but we should still go forward anyway even with the knowledge that whatever solution is picked is not perfect

That is either a terribly worded question or a terrible proposal. If you owe $9,995 you get nothing?

Based on what year’s income? AGI?

Please be true


If it pans out that deserves respect


I saw that Ted Cruz or someone mentioned it so guessing it is true although I’m not sure how you classify something that exists in air like that already as a pollutant but who gives a fuck

Legal definitions are fun, earlier this year California lead the way by classifying bees as fish.

From Twitter

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Schu-more debt forgiveness

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I would bet big on biologists this century.