The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Axios article said would be tied to counties with spread that would recommend vaxxed masking under new CDC guidelines

Obviously won’t be no help for blue states, but will skew towards red states and higher vaxxed counties where surge hasn’t hit yet SOL


Just skipping the step from Trump era when they said it was legal, someone told them it wasn’t and they did it anyway.

So any chance Biden does with student loans what they kinda did with evictions? Extending that break world be the fucking least he could do

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Was it Biden that cracked or was it CDC? Trump had already shown us CDC could be pushed pretty far.

Once you realize Biden is a late 80s Republican it all makes sense.


This is objectively wrong. Republicans have been changing things all across the country where they are in power, namely government structure and voting laws to ensure they retain power and their political opponents have none.

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this will age well

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I guess it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me that the COVID relief money will mostly go to where COVID is running wild.

On the other hand, Cori Bush just forced the administration into extending the eviction moratorium. And you can get a dozen folks like Cori into Congress with the money + infrastructure it would take to send AOC on a stunt presidential campaign.

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They’re going to do those things without giving a little song and dance about how much they really don’t want to do them. We need that song and dance.


This is not Bob Dole and John McCains Republican Party. These are Trumpicans and the can and will enact fascism is given the opportunity. It’s a damn shame the edems don’t get it and don’t care.


I think the idea behind the comment is that warnings of “potential” fascism sort of come with an implicit understatement of the degree of fascism already present. Pre-Trump, America was already a militaristic global empire in service to a dominant business class, with plenty of ethnofascist leanings already (just ask your average Republican what they think of Muslims or people from all those Mexican countries down south).

Having said that, the shadow of Really Bad Fascism with concentration camps and everything does loom. As Werner Herzog said, this is a true “Germany 1930s” moment for America. 1/3 of the people want to destroy 1/3 of their fellow citizens and 1/3 are willing to watch it happen. Not great, Bob.


You guys are worried your comfy lives will be affected instead of the poors.


Yes the Dems largely want things to be the same. Yes the Republican establishment figures largely want things to be the same. The wildcard here is Trump and the Trump wackos. The GOP still has enough establishment ghouls like McConnell and Romney to hold off the Trump wackos from doing anything too crazy at the federal level. Whether that will continue to be the case is questionable.

At the state level the Trump wackos have been going wild for decades now changing voting laws, trying to ban abortion and the like. These people have mostly been reined in by the Supreme Court. Obviously whether that will continue to happen is very much in doubt.

I think a lot depends how these next couple elections go for the GOP. If the Trump wackos and/or Trump ever have a trifecta that’s when things could get really wild. We are closer to that reality today than ever because of the changes in the voting laws imo.

Also it’s laughable to say well off people here are worried about their own wealth or something. Well off people wouldn’t have it bad under Trump wackos most likely. Poor minorities are going to be the ones who suffer the most if we ever get to full Trump wacko rule.


This is hopefully true, but there is plenty of historical precedent for empires collapsing without a nice soft landing. The range of outcomes in the US is pretty wide, a soft landing isn’t the odds in favorite by any means.

Well they are.

If you’re implying that makes them dumb I can’t really argue.

Kind of rough to dismiss a bunch of our posters as dumb, selfish assholes.

I get what you’re saying, and it’s a valid point, but the solution isn’t to completely give up on democracy, just because the other major party that hasn’t fully embraced fascism is controlled by old corrupt ghouls.

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Giving up on Democrats isn’t giving up on Democracy. Although it is giving up on a successful government in the US for the foreseeable future, I guess. I think that’s where I’m at.