The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Storming the Capitol in an insurrection trying to overturn an election: Similar to tourism, not at all a threat to democracy.

Investigating the guy who inspired that: PROOF POSITIVE THAT THEY PLAN TO END DEMOCRACY


Biden’s attack on Mar A Lago is truly the greatest attack on our democracy* ever by a sitting President.

*Also its not a democracy stupid libtard it’s a Republic, get a brain moran.


I’m looking forward to the whiplash inducing 180 from “How dare they raid his house and make no statement, where’s the transparency???” to “How dare he get in front of a podium with the seal of the Department of Justice on it, and…”

its always projection

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if joe biden planted fake evidence on donald in order to lock him up and protect the republic from a demagogue… that’s pretty cool :coolbiden:



Having a normal one

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That account is a satire of itself.

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it isn’t undemocratic to attempt to overturn a stolen election. it’s patriotic.

This is an actual shirt being sold


When you’re grifting by making stupid and offensive t-shirts, you definitely want to commit copyright infringement against the sitting president’s campaign logo. Very smart business decision!

at least the bedazzler is getting some use


Just your typical White House advisor with net worth in the $20-$50 million range

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I feel like District Court is worth about 1/10 of Appeals Court which is worth about 1/10 of Supreme Court.

Anyone wanna redo the chart to reflect value?

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Yeah, not sure what they exact relative value is, but they are not even close to equivalent and graphing it like that as if they are is data visualization malpractice.

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True, and the problem with district courts is that many constitutional cases can be forum-shopped to specific judges, at least in certain TX districts.

This was also the situation with patent cases in the WD of TX until recently. The district had to change their assignment procedures.

This doesn’t make Biden a modern-day FDR or LBJ… It doesn’t mean voters will reward them in midterm elections this fall. Republicans need just a four-seat net gain – well below the historical average for the party not holding the White House – to recapture control of the House.

Nor does it mean Biden will follow the precedents of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan in recovering from early setbacks to win a second term. At age 79, Biden looks the part of the oldest chief executive in American history as restless younger Democrats eye fresh leadership.

But it does mean the President and his party have capitalized on the opportunity control of government has given them for these two years. They have done much of what they sought public office to do.