The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Joe’s been a little busy passing a good (not great) bill, killing terrorists, opening up the border, watching Trump’s house get raided, watching Russian airbases blow up, and shaking Chuck Schumer’s hand like 75 extra times while eating an ice cream cone.


How has nobody primaried Feinstein?

It’d be great if we could replace Sinema and Manchin with a couple of Feinsteins who just do what they are told.


Somebody has.

They have. They 2018 was a D vs D runoff in the general election.

Everyone from Obama to Biden to Ted Lieu to Maxine Waters came out to endorse the fossil.

Since I’m in the Presidency of the Joes thread, I guess props for ending the Remain in Mexico policy. Score a small win for humanity and a weak facsimile of freedom.

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I don’t think its a good idea for me to share my thoughts on this.

good god

Mr. Bolton has long espoused hawkish foreign policy views on Iran and advocated regime change in the country, which he has said exerts a destabilizing influence on the Middle East. He penned a 2015 op-ed in the New York Times titled: “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran.”

My thoughts continue to be: I would rather be an ally of Iran than an ally of Saudi Arabia.

Thought the post about 100 year old trees was in response to the feinstein post.

Last time she won 54 - 46. Guess who eDems endorsed?

At some point you have to blame the voters, regardless of how many endorsements the eDems give her.


In states like California and New York, where there effectively is no Republican Party, the Democrats that win statewide elections are pretty Republicanish.

Don’t blame me, I voted for de León!


You should have voted harder.

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Would that it would be hard for the more left candidate to win a statewide election against Feinstein in what’s essentially a general election in November with the way California’s system works. Weird that the more country areas went for de Leon though.

Rich people in California are not especially “left”. They’re fiscal conservative / socially liberal types. Gays are fine, poor people GTFO of my neighborhood types.

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Errr sure, but this is a general election. The people in the east side of the state are far more conservative than the cities.

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this is actually perfect timing for this story to drop, it’s a great encapsulation of the right wing’s views on the Trump raid. “OF COURSE we should be able to assassinate Iranian politicians, but if they try to assassinate the guy who is literally orchestrating the assassinations? Well THAT is beyond the pale!” It’s exactly the same principle, the law should protect straight white christian men, and be used as a cudgel against minorities. The details are unimportant, as long as the outcome is “right”

This is true. California is full of people who don’t want to raise taxes, but are very pro-choice, LGBTQ+ equality etc… And people who would be Romney Republicans in other states are just conservative Democrats in California. Consequently the Republicans are often nuttier like Darrell Issa or Duncan Hunter.

Arnold was an exception, but times and even demographics have changed since then and being a famous movie star made that different. Feinstein and Pelosi are people who centrists love, people who would be moderate Republicans in other states are perfectly fine with (with the caveat that these people in CA are often pro-choice/LGBTQ+) and people who would be Democrats in other states have to accept. It’s not random chance or unexplainable that CA and NY end up with prominent conservative-ish Democrats like Feinstein, Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer. It’s a consequence of the domination of the Democratic Party along with being wealthier states.