The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

And this

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Removing the parliamentarian accomplishes less than nothing. It ensures that Manchin will not vote for anything you’re trying to pass.

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What about the US version with its 1800s features?

So the current situation is that Sinema won’t pass the bill without exempting hedge funds and private equity from the minimum corporate tax. That takes about $35B in revenue out of the bill, which must be replaced, to keep Manchin happy. Republicans are putting up an extension of the SALT cap, which Sinema is considering, which would fuck over a bunch of the eDems but cover the $35B.

And who knows if she’s done fucking around after that or not? At some point they’re going to decide to say enoughs enough.

Eliminating the SALT cap would benefit me bigly. I don’t think that helping me and other people who would similarly benefit should be a priority, at all, compared to other ways we could spend money. BUT, keeping the SALT cap so that we can keep hedge funds and private equity cozy rustles my jimmies a tad.

Sounds like they came up with some other nonsense pay for to replace the SALT one. Something about a loss limitation extension. No clue wtf it is but only 2 years and 5 months until she’s out of the Senate and on to her 7 figure lobbying job, so at least we’ve got something to look forward to.

Yeah and also the SALT deduction makes it more palatable to tax at the state level for programs at the state level, which is important with this polarization.

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SALT is already gone and nothing in this bill was supposed to bring it back AFAIK. “SALT adjustments” under discussion gotta be fucking over blue states even more considering it is supposed to raise more revenue to counteract the PE bro tax cut.

SALT exemptions should be $0.

That said, this won’t pass the House if they do anything meaningfully adverse to SALT. If it is just bookkeeping like extend when the SALT cap expires, whatever.

EDIT: guess they found another change. Sinema really delivered for Private Equity here

She’s going to be the Forward presidential nominee, trying to appeal to those voters who want someone under 50 in the White House.

So the salt cap is gone?

“Final passage vote is NOW.”

I thought I heard Harris on NPR announcing passage earlier this morning? I could have been half-asleep.

No, they were just going to extend it longer as a pay for since it technically sunsets in 2025. No change to current SALT law.

What about EVs? Is the 7500 gone? How long have I got?

It will be means tested and only for cars under $80k I think


If I take delivery before 1/1/23 am I still good?

If Dems ever get a bigger majority, they should target Sinema’s constituents to punish her. It’s easy to think up ways to fuck over hedge fund managers, but what can we do about fashion designers who cater to the color-blind?

Yes. If you want a Kia or Hyundai you need to do it this year.