The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Republicans don’t need much of their agenda to be achieved by voting. For the most part they just play obstructionist.

Heck the old party doesn’t want actual abortion legislation. They are happy to blame Dems if it doesn’t pass and rile up the base.

Wait, now? Is he actually dead or something?

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Really thinking of making one of these and putting it on my car ironically.

Riddle me this: For the past several months, the polling firm that has shown the best results for Joe Biden, consistently with every poll, has been lolrasmussen. 43-45 percent approval range nearly every poll when every other major pollster is showing far lower approval ratings. Why?

Is it the one that calls landlines and only gets boomers?


Big shock

lol, i’m sure there’s going to be tons of bipartisan action on it after the election. lol USA


Look for bipartisan effort after the elex.

What election outcome could possibly lead to this picking up 3 more votes in the Senate? I guess they only need 60 for reconciliation so there’s a chance they could do a standalone cap bill or something dumb but come on.

The bipartisan action will be allowing Joe Manchin’s family to get super rich off human suffering. REACH ACROSS THE AISLE!


Cant imagine living in the richest country in the world and having to choose between food and medicine for my kids because the Senate Parliamentarian said so.

At least Bernie embarrassed everyone by forcing them to vote no on child tax credits.

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Now that sounds like change I can believe in!

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You’re supposed to lift yourself up by your bootstraps and go out there and work hard and be a self made man. By which I mean have rich parents.

I guess the cap is going to be in place for Medicare patients but nobody else after that vote. If left in place it would extend only to people with insurance so if you were uninsured you would’ve still gotten fucked. Very on brand for them tbh; marginal improvement on a huge problem with no hope of ever actually fixing it. Dems Deliver!

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Oh good


Business gonna be booming for PE, additional tax arbitrage. Best internship ROI in history.

Voting against that insulin cap is just straight evil. There is no justifiable reason.

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These dumbasses couldn’t figure out a way to make that a tax? Just fucking tax insulin at 100% above $35, then give that revenue back to the buyer as a subsidy.