The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Meh. Gotta take the wins. Considering a 48+2 senate it was a very good week when adding in the Kansas vote.

SCOTUS is a big greased pig to catch. Also a pretty monumental ask of institutional Joe. But concur, no reason not to be highly skeptical it will get fixed.

It’s a win but a short lived one. It will all be reversed by SCOTUS and the MAGA crowd when they take both houses.

Lol they’re still giving a fuck what the god damn parliamentarian says

Blah blah blah FIRE HER THEN

If you were given a billion dollars, ten years, and the full time services of the worlds most knowledgeable political scientists with the sole goal of designing the worst democratic political system they simply couldn’t come up with anything worse than the US one.


It sounds suspiciously like a right wing talking point, but it does seem nonsensical to assign this much power over the country’s future to an UNELECTED BUREAUCRAT.

On the other hand, it’s only because of reconciliation to get around the filibuster, so maybe change the rules to prevent the minority party from paralyzing the whole system?

Or how about getting rid of the filibuster altogether?

Well we’re going to be the minority party soon. At least that’s the argument anyway.

I don’t think Dems have ever, or will ever, use the filibuster as vigorously as Rs have in recent decades. They’ll resist because it’s unseemly, because of “norms”, because they’re afraid republicans might call them mean names. “When they go low, we go high” still has traction in many Dem’s hearts.

Plus obviously McConnell won’t hesitate for a second to change the rules if it gives him the slightest advantage. WAAF

Btw, it took me like 10 tries to spell “bureaucrat”. Fuck that word.


LOL wtf is this shit

fuck it, if we’re gonna do it this way, let’s make a reality tv episode out of it, complete with a real time counter of hypothetical deaths caused by the decisions made in there, and we’ll keep track of high scores and shit




They should do quick time events. If you can press Up and A at exactly the right moment then you get your life saving medicine.


Fuck it we are going to do it live?


LOLBETTINGMARKETS, but they have it as 97% at being paused. Of course it’s still absurd we don’t know.

It is getting extended, would guess that the delay is Biden wants to announce a means based partial forgiveness solution thst makes this the final pause.

That’s cause billions of dollars over decades have been spent turning this one into the gem we enjoy today.

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so much could be fixed if they just reversed that terrible decision I forget how long ago or what exactly it was that allowed politicians to effectively take unlimited donations from people without consequence or oversight. That’s at the root of almost everything here. Lots of the shittiest ones would just disappear in a term or two if they were knee capped on these money faucets.

money is what wins elections, and corporations have literally all of the money. hence, it should not be a surprise that everything that happens in government is at the benefit of corporations.

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Citizens United v FCC because corporations are people, my friend.

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this sounds correct and if you looked at hard data it might even fit, but it’s almost certainly wrong if you go beyond level 1.

the modern filibuster basically isn’t “used” in the sense that people think of it, it’s just the mere idea that keeps legislation from even being brought up. Most bills never even get to the part where the fillibuster would actually grind their progress to a halt because everyone knows that someone would use it.

Republicans don’t really need to pass any bills to get what they want, they can do tax cuts through reconciliation and judges are exempt from fillibustering. They’ve just adapted to the reality that if they did want to pass a bill it would get fillibustered. If they actually thought democrats were reluctant to use it they would have passed a lot more shit in 2017/18.

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