The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents




Gotta give credit where it’s due. Pretty big W for Dems and clean energy here.


So they’re doing an excise tax instead of the carried interest thing. Supposedly more revenue. I don’t understand any of this.


The winery got its money worth for its internship last summer.

This could have gone a lot worse.

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This is a big win. A fraction of what’s needed but unambiguously good.

If you want to learn more about the impact on clean energy tax credits.

A tax on stock buybacks? Jesus Christ, so stupid.

Said this in another thread but not stupid at all. Buybacks and dividends are just tools to return cash to shareholders, and companies prefer buybacks because they get preferential tax treatment. Makes perfect sense to even it out some.

I think this is an issue where you really don’t want to put the theory of the economics ahead of the reality of the world.

The theory of the economics tells you blah blah blah buybacks and dividends are theoretically neutral and yada yada yada we don’t need Big Government getting all emotional about how shareholders are compensated and herp derp whaddabout all the Unintended Consequences.

The reality of the world is that corporate tax arbitrage departments are one of the worst features of late stage capitalism and they’re full of Ivy League assholes that contribute nothing to society and get paid a half a million dollars a year to ensure that big American corporate conglomerates HQed in NYC actually legally earn all their income in a small western Ireland farming village and technically qualify as sheep herders for tax purposes and fuck those guys. Like absolutely fuck those guys. Any law that pisses off corporate tax arbitrage departments is pretty much by definition a good law.



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I am very confused.

Biden and the country had a good week.

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It is all deck chairs on the titanic until the court is fixed and election reform occurs and Dems still massive dogs to win the House so not doing a lot of victory laps yet.

I do agree it was a good week for Dems though. Moves their grade at governing up from a D to a solid C- with this bill.

How does Feinstein do a vote a rama

Very carefully.