The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

6 times!

thought biden already signaled to the loan providers to NOT send those notices

Would think the kafaybe would be too obvious if the two Most Reasonable Comprising Centrists in History, Ever ÂŽ whose slogan is We Love Comprising More than Anything ÂŽ blew up the deal over such a minor point between themselves.

Yeah, it’s like 99 percent that there’s another pause coming.

Wtf would Sinema care about something as esoteric as carried interest? What possible justification is she giving? I mean ok if she’s bought and paid for what can you do but my eyes don’t roll back far enough to deal with people like this.

We’ll see if Sinema can be moved towards the obvious compromise of four years for carried interest between the three-year status quo and the five years in the current bill.

So the possibilities are:

  1. They secretly negotiated with her and included it so she could nix it, letting her get some moderate and pro business street cred.

  2. They’re playing us and she’s blowing the bill up in a really stupid way. Almost like a special “fuck you” to those of us paying attention, all but breaking the third wall and being like, “Look how thinly veiled our bullshit can be without most people figuring out that we’re in on it!”

  3. They were actually stupid enough to not include her before and now these are her honest requests.

What about:

  1. She changes her mind a lot and doesn’t have a clear plan or ideology, so everything she does is made up as she goes along.


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good morning its ww3 again

Well, this impartial fellow has a pretty clear explanation for you:

“It may strike some people in Washington as old-fashioned, but in my experience, Senator Sinema has always believed you must be thoughtful and cautious when it comes to changing tax policy,” said John LaBombard, a senior vice president at the public affairs firm ROKK Solutions, who left Ms. Sinema’s office in February after more than three years working in her office.


Nah, man. My point is that maybe she’s just flat-out dumb.

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Embarrassing. This is North Korea-grade tantrum throwing.

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So we weaponized the Slap Chop?

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Well LaBombard sounds like a real weenie.

“Most of my communications training revolved around solving problems and exercising ownership over particular issue areas … figuring out a way to tell a story that will functionally solve a problem.

“And part of that experience was learning how to frame a message so that it will appeal to anyone and everyone, and not just to liberal Democrats or conservative Republicans,” LaBombard said. “What you want is a message that is equally compelling to normal, everyday people … especially people who are really engaged in politics.”

I think he was misquoted and he actually said “people who are rarely engaged in politics”. You know, rubes.

Boring source

Weaponizing ponies still not perfected yet.



We’re getting there…

i don’t remember if i read it here or heard it somewhere else but the greatest idea was to legislate all guns have to be painted to look super gay, and this gun pictured here would be the only style weapon you can own. and you can’t repaint it or modify it at all. but you can still have as many guns as you want, guy!

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