The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Did they need it? Was it worth the possibility of military escalation?

Careful there fella you’re starting to sound like mearshmont.

China and Russia are not the same.

Yeah it’s possible, but if he nukes it over 15 billion then he was never serious in the first place and we were fucked anyway. This is beside the point, but I’ll never understand why progressives don’t message annual defense bills as 8 trillion dollar spending bills (over 10 years) when the stuff they want is always measured over 10 years.

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How are the desires of the people of Ukraine and Taiwan to remain independent free states any different? I thought that was the most important thing and certainly worth risking WWIII for?

Taiwan is an ally that should have our support. China can go call Pelosi’s manager* if they don’t like it —they don’t get to dictate who the US has diplomatic relations with.

‘* — i.e. the Raytheon Corporation

Taiwan has our support in the same way that Israel has nukes. Really quietly. There’s no reason to poke the bear.


Looks like they like her as much as we do

Hundreds of civilians gathered across multiple city sites to welcome or protest against her arrival. Outside the airport, Taiwan independence groups held signs saying “I love Pelosi” and “shut up China”. The largest crowd gathered outside the Grand Hyatt, where Pelosi was due to stay. The turnout was larger than any expected and drew a large police presence but remained peaceful. Well organised, vociferous protesters held signs calling Pelosi a warmonger, and chanted “Yankee go home” from across the road. Heavy-set men wandered the crowd wearing body cameras or holding phones aloft, capturing faces among the crowd.

Pelosi isn’t poking the bear, China is being a dick to distract their people from the economy. You don’t prevent wars by conceding sovereignty to sabre-rattling douches.

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Pelosi should meet with people who want to expand abortion and trans rights in Taiwan and than Republicans who supported her visit while doing so.

There is no analog between China/Taiwan and Russia/Ukraine. China and Taiwan are not in a state of open hostility and armed skirmishing the way Ukraine was with Russia for years. Taiwan has defense assurances from the US and Ukraine did not. There is no parallel here and there is very little upside to this visit and a lot of downside.

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Lol “gun safety”. I had to strain to remember what this even refers to. I think he’s talking about some money-for-cops dogshit they passed after Uvalde. It does nothing to address the real problem. The assault rifle ban that just passed the House is unlikely to even get a vote in the Senate. All the biggest and most substantive jerkoff motions in the world for praising their pathetic efforts.

Citing the PACT act as an accomplishment is also absurd. It’s a layup. Any Congress could pass that at any time. It was probably delayed to this point to give Dems something to brag about on the campaign trail. They should get zero brownie points from the media.

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Because there was no open hostility, American politicians have been visiting Taiwan without incident for years. China chose to make a big deal out of this visit out of the blue to distract from domestic troubles. At that point, Nancy can’t cancel the trip without looking like a chicken.

As played, China are the dicks here but American politicians should not schedule new trips to Taiwan.

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Indeed, we take this trip at a time when the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy. As Russia wages its premeditated, illegal war against Ukraine, killing thousands of innocents — even children — it is essential that America and our allies make clear that we never give in to autocrats.

When I led a congressional delegation to Kyiv in April — the highest-level U.S. visit to the besieged nation — I conveyed to President Volodymyr Zelensky that we admired his people’s defense of democracy for Ukraine and for democracy worldwide.

By traveling to Taiwan, we honor our commitment to democracy: reaffirming that the freedoms of Taiwan — and all democracies — must be respected.

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Yeah, this. Their lease ran out. They didn’t need to promise anything. But I guess the promising made them pack up and GTFO with less friction.

Actually not that bad if it doesn’t lose Manchin.


Same. They’re required to give us notice before taking our money again right?