The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The dismissal of Dove was petty and they just replaced him with someone who made the same rulings. There’s a very limited number of people who are qualified for the job.

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I’m not disputing that. They do a lot more than Byrd rule opinions.


That’s the way to make yourself “feel” like you’ve won. Believe it or not, some actually read the content of posts and decide winner by number of salient points made, not insults


He mad.

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Radical Socialist Joe Manchin! I knew it!

B…B…But Manchin built up a load of political capital with his good faith efforts at bipartisanship didn’t he? The GOP would never attack him after he worked so had across the aisle surely…

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LOL what an own goal, already caved

Meanwhile this does not seem promising



I understand and don’t really disagree with downplaying the Zalwahari assassination. Hell, I think the “war on terror” is mainly a poorly run farce. However, it must send an interesting message to Putin, Kim Jung Un, and the Taliban, that the US can drop intentionally minimally lethal weapons on people’s heads halfway around the world. Excessive security paranoia is often very disruptive to organizations, and these guys are not known for being relaxed.

Putin must wish he could do the same to Zalensky.

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We’ll be alright as long as war fetishists have something to Jack off to

Tea leaves read to me like she is going to just support Republican amendments to do things like remove carried interest then not support a wrap around amendment to restore the original deal. Then we will see what Manchin does with the amended package. Think Manchin killing the Manchin/Schumer bill a fitting end to this two year stretch of Dem lol.

Progressives in the House have been silent too. I think they might amend to kill some of the Manchin fossil fuel carrots.

One thing I’m very sure of is she is not going to show up and vote yes without any drama.

I wonder where this idea of a knife missile could have come from?


Iain M. Banks, from Use of Weapons:

One of the warriors roared, brandishing his sword and lunging towards the door of the inn. He managed two steps. He was still roaring when the knife missile flicked past him, field outstretched.

It separated his neck from his shoulders. The roar turned to a sound like the wind, bubbling thickly through the exposed wind-pipe as his body crashed to the dust.

Faster - and turning more tightly - than any bird or insect, the knife missile made an almost invisibly quick circle round most of the riders, producing an odd stuttering noise.

Seven of the riders - five standing, two still mounted - collapsed into the dust, in fourteen separate pieces. Sma tried to scream at the drone, to make the missile stop, but she was still choking, and now starting to retch. The drone patted her back. ‘There, there,’ it said, concernedly. In the square, both of the inn-keeper’s daughters slipped to the ground from the mounts they had been tied to, their bonds slashed in the same cut that had killed all seven men. The drone gave a little shudder of satisfaction.

One man dropped his sword and started to run. The knife missile plunged straight through him. It curved like red light shining on a hook, and slashed across the necks of the last two dismounted riders, felling both. The mount of the final rider was rearing up in front of the missile, its fangs bared, forelegs lashing, claws exposed. The device went through its neck and straight into the face of its rider.

On emerging from the resulting detonation, the machine slammed to a stop in mid-air, while the rider’s headless body slid off his collapsing, thrashing animal. The knife missile spun slowly about, seemingly reviewing its few seconds’ work, then it started to float back towards the window.

Don’t fuck with Special Circumstances agents.


Yep we’re fucked

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Honestly who gives a shit about the carried interest thing anyway? If it was nuking the whole loophole that’s one thing, but if it’s just narrowing it a bit and as easily gameable as some people in here have mentioned then whatever. If it passes, great, but it’ll probably just serve as an excuse to never actually kill it off in the future and it’s only $15 billion anyway. I’d be okay if she killed it off so she feels good about herself assuming they can pass the rest. Then in a fantasy world where they have a workable majority in both houses in the future they can get around to killing it off entirely (lol I know).

Well the problem is if she nukes that then Manchin likely goes back on the whole package or cuts out more climate spending making House passage more difficult. She also might nuke other revenue generation measures.

Sure feels like kayfabe.

The carried interest thing only makes them hold for 5 years vs. 3 years to get cap gains treatment. Most private equity funds are 7-10 years hence the minuscule revenue estimate.