The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents



Al Gore was right on climate change.

He was also credibly accused of sexual assault by three women.

Is this the most Joe has gone directly after Trump for J6?

Marc Andreessen (founder of Netscape, now a VC) was recently on Sam Harris’ podcast and gave Gore credit for funding and promoting the internet in the 80s. Said he was unfairly criticized.

That’s like 5 cups of coffee per day, which is about what I drink (cold brewed iced coffee via large brew-bags in a pitcher is my go to drink). I’ve never heard of any concerns about 5 cups of coffee a day.

My mom was into hot Lipton tea her whole life. I would have tea with milk and sugar before grammar school. Tea is good.

Tea is super easy to make. Two tea bags in a mug with 16 oz of water for 2:10 in the microwave. I sometimes do tea days instead of coffee.

Millions of English people just shuddered and they’re not sure why.


I’m not hating on tea, but it just literally never even crossed my mind to drink it. I think the first time I drank it was when they served it complimentary at a Korean restaurant in college.

But the whole microwaving water thing definitely goes under the “tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American” genre

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We would never have guessed this.

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i think they’ve figured it out in the most recent few seasons. the plotline of manbearpig being real and deadly is the showrunners eating crow and goofing on themselves as much as climate deniers. garrisson as trump being an obvious villain is another one they don’t go both sides on. PC Principal is a hero! he’s a multiseason-arc hero of the show.

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Well I’m glad they finally figured out climate change is real in 20-dickety-22, would have been nice if they’d had their shit together twenty years ago.

I looked for the perfect Ned Flanders image and couldn’t find one, so I’m going with this:

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A+ Joe

Fucking really?

Obviously thats gopd news mainly for the holdover to midterms, but just fucking do something and stop kicking the can

This went right over my head. Googled it and couldn’t figure it out.

SS + GOMAD is “Starting Strength and Gallon of Milk a Day”. It’s a bit of a meme fitness/nutrition plan.


Timeline of Biden’s request for Dept of Education student loan memo on ability to cancel debt:

4/1/21 - Request memo from Dept of Education
4/5/21 - Memo received and circulated among WH staff
7/25/22 - Memo still not available to public

Now this:

I’m not clear what the boundaries are of this “considerable discretion” but it sounds like he has considerable discretion. It’s ridiculous to have to poke around like a detective to find stuff like this on whether or not they can just cancel loans when they’ve had a fucking memo addressing specifically that sitting there underneath a glass bowl of Werther’s Originals on the desk. This is something that is going to drag out forever and end up in the SC isn’t it?


Obviously you just cancel all of it, delete the records and tell the Supreme Court to fuck off. Like literally any semi awake person under 40 who graduated high school gets that at this point.



Yes but that would transfer wealth from the wealthy to the middle class and we don’t do that here in USA#1. And if you don’t like that, Corn Pop, you should vote for Trump.