The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Lol ground beef browned in a pan and pork chops. CLASSIC 4th of July, god bless America.


I donā€™t believe they are trying to compromise at all. Itā€™s just an old kayfabe schtick playing to audience psychographics where the face extends a helping hand to a writhing heel feigning injury, the implication being that injury is serious and beyond normal by-the-rules wrestling stuff, and, well, helping a downed competitor is what the altruistic Good Guys do as a show of sportsmanship and common decency for their fellow man.

Of course, this predictably ends in a sucker punch to the chops and the show goes on, and you and I and everyone already knows this and plays along. It has to work that way, because otherwise they couldnā€™t fill the remaining 53 minutes of the hour for the corporate sponsors. If Dems actually executed the will of the people with the overwhelming mandate implied by aggregate voting margins, the show would be over in five seconds and the money faucet would dry up.

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Iā€™m no economist and I donā€™t know what the Farm Bureau is, but here are some stats from the the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsā€™ (a part of the U.S. Department of Labor) ā€œbasket of goods,ā€ which is a collection of many goods and services that are commonly used by consumers. Every month, the prices of these goods are measured and compared to previous prices. Letā€™s see how ground beef did compared to last year

What about ice cream?

How about cheese?

Potato chips:

Closest to lemonade is fruit juice

Pork chops have actually dropped in price.

Cougar Gold still the same price!


So youā€™re telling me they had to lie to show a $0.16 price drop in the cost of a Fourth of July cookout? If youā€™re gonna lie, fuck, at least claim it went down a couple bucks. Idiots.

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I donā€™t even need to look to know itā€™s bullshit. Iā€™m not good with watching my money, and survive mostly by the fact that the things I consume are mostly cheap and I dont make big purchases, so Iā€™m pretty much used to buying whatever food and stuff I want without looking too much at price.

i had to go through my statements on that account that deals with that stuff to see wtf was going on last week. Iā€™m hemmorhaging money in that account and I figured out itā€™s because the price of the stuff I buy has mostly doubled or more. itā€™s not anything fancy either, just stuff like bottled water/sodas/snacks/fast food/freezer meals, stuff of that nature.

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Look into joining Costco, and figure out what the cheapest grocery stores are near you. My girlfriend did a great job saving us money on food by changing the stores we shopped at, and we try to only hit the expensive one like once a month for stuff that only they have. Pounce on good sales and stock up, as well.


Also if you can win $100,000, do that.


Real life Viz Top Tip ā€¦


ā€œSave money by shopping at cheaper storesā€

(Viz - UK cultural reference - look it up if curious)

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You drink 96 oz of iced tea a day???

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his post prompted me to google ā€œhow many oz in a gallonā€ lol

Itā€™s 0 calorie iced green tea. If Iā€™m playing online and thus at home all day, yes. Iā€™ll basically end up drinking 16-32 oz of water and 80-100 oz of the tea. If Iā€™m staying in a hotel to play, and itā€™s a trip by car, Iā€™ll throw one in the suitcase and drink half one day and half the next, and on those days itā€™s more water at the table.

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Is now a good time to tell you about the 30 something year old who did this and got heart failure from it that I took care of?

Thatā€™s super unhealthy. Youā€™re talking roughly 500mg of caffeine per day.


Fuck, seriously? I thought the caffeine content was very low, like 15-20mg. Iā€™m over here cutting off coffee at like noon or 1pm cause of sleep problems and Iā€™m stupidly and unknowingly pounding the equivalent of like five more cups of coffee the rest of the day?

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Itā€™ll depend on the brand but green tea has about 5mg/oz of caffeine in it. Coffee has 12mg/oz roughly.

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monitor your bp/heartrate. like $40 for a decent cuff. md told me something identical to what CN just told you.

mine wasā€¦high.

Looks like this brand claims a max of 2mg/oz, (20-30mg per 16oz), so itā€™s not as bad as you thought but worse than I thought. Iā€™ll have to adjust and see if it helps my sleep, as I am pretty caffeine-sensitive.

This might also explain why I stopped going into caffeine withdrawal when I donā€™t drink coffee lolā€¦ Here I was proud of myself like, ā€œLook at that! You managed to cut coffee back enough to not even go into withdrawal when you skip it for a few days!ā€

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