The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Dems would be in a better place in terms of electoral success.

How about just build a factory? Like it seems that $280,000,000,000 could build a few factories and hire a couple of people. Why does it need to be laundered into the dividends of terrible monopolistic companies? Oh yeah, we know why.

The companies besides Intel don’t even manufacture chips, they merely design them. $10 billion is being donated to the designers literally to keep them from lobbying against the other $40 billion in subsidies. So your suggestion is not only plausible but optimal to our corporate welfare fantasyland state.

There’s been talk about subsidies since the current shortage started in 2020. Well, more talk. It goes back decades.

We’ve got people stanning for corporate welfare on a lefty message board. Shit is truly fucking hopeless.

South Park is like West Wing for libertarian stonerbros. The whole “We make fun of both sides!” attitude doesn’t really work when one side is objectively 100% right about the biggest crisis in our lifetime.

The capitalists just crushed the messaging (because they own all the presses) Spending our money to hire people and make things we want = evil, hugely wasteful, government spending euugh. Giving our money to private firms to hand out to their shareholders and maybe employ a few people = super free market efficiency yay!

It makes me laugh. That’s enough to get me to think that it works.

@Riverman maybe this will brighten your day.



Might be showing my age here, but what I remember Gore for the most is being the designated Clinton administration bulldog for neoliberaism. Does anyone remember that ridiculous NAFTA debate that he did with Perot? Awful.

There are a lot of valid reasons to hate on Al Gore, but he was maybe the only high-visibility politician in a generation who actually took climate change remotely seriously and he got dunked on relentlessly for a decade for it. Boy that really aged well, glad we spent the past 20 years doing jack shit about our planet’s ecological collapse.


Gore held the first congressional hearing on climate change in 1976. He was already 30 years in when An Inconvenient Truth came out.

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That almost covers the inflation this week in my favorite iced tea, which went from $1.67 for 64 oz to $2.49. I drink like 1.5 per day, so it’s over $37 a month.

I’m fortunate to be back in a position to not have to sweat that, I’m just pointing out how asinine that tweet is in an environment where one food item’s inflation in one week can offset the gas prices coming down. This is the second price hike in my tea this year. We try to only buy it on sale and then buy as much as we can fit in the fridge.

In theory, gas prices coming down should lower food prices too. So far that seems to remain in theoretical land, though.

stuff like this has nearly doubled for me

it’s still almost double what it was lol

Biden gives about 67% more fucks than he used to, the problem is that he gave so few fucks before that the inflation of his fucks to give can’t keep up with price inflation.


“You are suffering slightly less now” is terrible messaging - they still havent learned

Blame it on Putin, blame it on Trump - doesnt even matter if its true - if Trump was in office after a Biden term he would 100000% be blaming 100% of every problem on the previous admin

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