The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

In “The West Wing” they had staffers play chess with the President so they could monitor his cognitive function. I’m not saying, but I’m just saying…

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This looks like an ad for one of those 65+ adult baseball camps except the POTUS version of that.

It’s checkers.

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I think there is probably a bit of value there. Not a lot, but non-zero.

I’m assuming Bartlett at least knew how to play. I have a hard time believing gramps has a 4 digit rating.

Now that would make sense.


Bartlett was master level.

Right, which makes me wonder if at some point the relief undertaken to date becomes unlawful for things like income based loan repayment or interest deferral. Easy remedy for the courts, just recalculate the balance due. Think everything after the first six months or something has been by executive fiat.

OK, Al Gore beaming in from space to dunk on the cops is refreshing.


What can you do, Joe must’ve tried so hard but his hands are tied by the Supreme Court. From a Democratic leadership perspective: if he doesn’t do anything about student loans this term, he can campaign about doing something next term!

If Al Gore wins in 2000 (well he did win but you know what I mean) then the world is a different and much better place. Of the EDem stooges he is basically about as good as it gets. Maybe he has escaped EDem stooge status. I would vote for him over all realistic options in 2024 that is for sure (so assuming none of the progressives who have no chance at the nom).


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I’d say he did some time ago. He endorsed Dean in 2004, didn’t endorse Hillary in 2008, didn’t endorse Hillary in 2016 until the convention, and didn’t endorse Biden in 2020 until after Bernie had dropped out. Just that is a better resume than any E-Dem stooge.


Fun Fact: Al Gore is 5 years younger than Joe Biden!


So Major bit a bunch of the assholes who deleted texts from 1/6?

Who’s a goooood boyyy? That’s right, Major, you bite those bad men!

Most productive member of the whole administration right there.


Gore is up there with Carter as one the most unfairly maligned politicos of all time. Dude was 30 years ahead of his time on climate change and society repaid him by dunking on him nonstop throughout the 90’s.


Gore got dunked on because he was a soulless automaton… or a synth

Gore absolutely deserves to get dunked on, but not for anything he actually did get dunked on.

The motherfucker had Joe Goddamn Lieberman as his running mate.


Gore was considered to the right of Clinton and that was supposed to help the ticket and then Gore supposedly needed someone to the right to help his ticket, so Lieberman. And thus we have the Democratic Party. Both Gore and Biden were founding members of the Democratic Leadership Council - ie the New Democrats.

I think he’s done a lot of good since 2000 though. It may seem like he caused a reaction against mitigation, but climate denial and attacking any messenger was always going to be extremely ugly and lots of people were going to believe the shit like “but his emails” (reference to Michael Mann).