The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

So fking petty, lol.

Another excellent LetThemFight.jpg moment.

I think Ole Mitch would totally be justified punching Paul in the ribs.

Bernie correct, as usual. Nice to see him defending the Biden agenda.

mediocre tv masquerading as real life

more at 11

Well by all appearances Bernie isnā€™t just in politics because of ego or because he wants to be a power broker, Bernie actually wants the government to improve peoplesā€™ lives with policy. This is Radical Socialism, of course. Heā€™s going to defend policy that makes peoplesā€™ lives better, even if they arenā€™t the best policies in his opinion, because he knows doing nothing just helps the billionaires that he sees as the root of all problems.

Even on this forum where people relentlessly criticize Biden, they mostly support Bidenā€™s stated agenda that he declared when running for President (with the exception of wanting to be friends with Republicans). They just want all of of Bidenā€™s agenda plus a bunch more stuff, just like Bernie.

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Heā€™s running


Heā€™s not willing to expand the court, so, another time waster.

ā€œThis timeā€

Richard Nixon thinks your silent majority is overstated.

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You left out the part where I said the agenda that he promised while running. Biden was pretty strident in making big promises on big issues in 2020. He just hasnā€™t delivered.

I remember my first election/beer. Anyone naive enough to expect the world from a Presidentā€™s campaign promises must not have lived through every President since 41.

Nothing good comes from being too much of a coward to hold leaders accountable and then smugly asserting that your cowardice is maturity. But you do you.

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Whereas self-aggrandizing handwringing accomplishes so much more.

Have a nice day. I am not going to let your trolling get me down.

Donā€™t worry in 6 months our crack mod team will definitely begin to consider an RFC to discipline this brand new high volume good faith poster.


And yet you profess to hate fascists.

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No one has flagged a single post of his that I can recall. Does he constantly take contrarian opinions that the forum disagrees with? Yes. Is he trolling? Probably some. I donā€™t know if mod action is necessary here especially with the lack of flags and user complaints.

What a master troll.

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