The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

12 days to August 1 and not a peep from the WH about Student loans.


NoMatterWho is not keeds. I suspect heā€™s the already permabanned anachronistic/Ray Horton/RAIDS, who was banned for doing exactly what he does now: stirring shit up in every thread with troll posts heā€™d claim are not trolling; hijacking every thread he posts in with endless arguments going back-and-forth with one of two posters until he ends up the main topic of the thread; feigning innocence and surprise that anyone could find his posting objectionable.

He ruins every thread he posts in with his high-volume, uniformed opinions whether trolling or not (itā€™s trolling), that lead to post like Iā€™m making complaining about how bad he is and how heā€™s ruining threads, to which he will make a dull-witted quip and continue his schtick heā€™s been doing since being banned for it multiple times on 2p2. Posts like mine are his life-blood. Nothing gives him more pleasure than all this attention.


Yeah he is pretty obviously anachronistic. There is a 0.000% chance he is Keeed.

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No, not the ones who should be arrested:

How many people were arrested at the Capitol building on January 6th?

Good thing she canā€™t be indicted until after midterms


10000% this. Lol it ainā€™t keeed even if you wishcast with all your heart

At least 876 is the highest number I found


Thatā€™s how many people were ultimately charged, not how many people were arrested on January 6th. Very few were.

Thatā€™s because it was an election year.


oh man Iā€™m gonna love to hear what convoluted and nonsensical reason manchin has for voting against this one

He wonā€™t get the chance. This will be filibustered.

Those mean Progressives refused to let him jam a bunch of coal pork into the bill so he has no other option than to hem and haw and let it die on the floor.


I bet they are able to dig up the texts about the dogā€¦


I would love to be in the room when they talk themselves into this stuff. Leak that you might do some small meaningless thing then donā€™t even do it! Lololol retire

(Personally killed the child tax credit)

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fox news readers when they see this:


yet none of these ace ā€œjournalistsā€ ever ask him about that

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