The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

For sure. I agree fully.

But the point is that, at the time it was very unlikely Trump would win. It was a series of surprising occurrences all of which were necessary for Roe to be overturned.

It wasn’t long ago that Thomas was an outlier on the court that few paid much mind. Now he’s the Court’s ideological heartbeat.

Of course, I’m not as negative as ~everyone here on the Court’s prospects. The Plessy/Lochner Court was much worse than the current iteration, and Warren’s reign followed it.

I would like Biden or any eDem with a pulse to have a moment like Mitch in 2016. Call it luck but we all know if the situation was reversed we would have gotten a “do what now” and quick pre-election confimation.

GOP has been holding massive Ls in the culture wars for ~60 years. They got one back, but they’re still the Washington Generals of winning culture war battles, despite the shrill cries.

There were 50-some years between the Plessy ruling and the Warren Court. I’m sure the eventual swing back left provided a lot of solace to all the people who lived and died under that and other shitty rulings. We can look forward to the same, so it’s all good!

Thanks for brightening our day. When do you think we can look forward to the swing back left? Maybe 2075?

So they’re smoking us on economic issues and successfully fighting back on cultural (a euphemism for human rights) issues despite winning 1 out of the last 8 popular votes. Which side is the Generals?


Nate was giving trump like 30% and everyone was roasting him and saying Hil was 99%+


Lol, what? They lost a bunch of short-term battles, but they’re about to win the war on every single issue. Basically the only right-wing anti democratic policy that probably isn’t coming back is segregation.

But lol if you think gay marriage is going to be legal in Idaho in 2024. Lol if you think a state isn’t going to successfully re-criminalize “sodomy.” Lol if you think crazy voucher systems aren’t going to effectively re-segregate schools in the Deep South.

Yeah this shit is definitely happening. Even Jim Crow isn’t really off the table completely (glad you included a “probably” in there).

Schools are already resegregating, it’s been happening for a while. Small towns form their own districts, etc.

80 year old multiple time cancer survivor dies WHO COULD HAVE SEEN IT COMING.

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Imagine writing this then trying to look down on people for not understanding modern US politics.

Senator who said his only agenda was saying no to Obama said no to Obama, BUT I THOUGHT WE HAD NORMS.

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Biden was helping them build that stack

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Newsom already on record firmly against expanding the Supreme Court.

Working hard thank you!


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Best reply:


I don’t believe either of these one bit.


He’s 79! I’m not going to give a fuck about anything at 79.

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Bernie has one fatal flaw. As Logan Roy would no doubt surmise, he’s not a killer.