The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Everyone is pissed that we got outplayed. Biden is the symbol of the weak/tight style that got us here?

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GOP spent 35 years building a huge chip stack and Biden wasn’t legitimately at the table for much of that time.

where was he? i thought he was a career politician?

i am not saying he is responsible any more than any other edem.

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i am sure it should be obvious , but what is OMC?

Old Man Coffee. Nickname of the older rock weak-tight type player at a poker table.


Legit never heard that one before lol, maybe because i am OMC?
Never played live poker tho.

I believe he was making sure Clarence Thomas got a SCOTUS seat and palling around with segregationists.


Sure. But one Senator out of one hundred (often in the minority) has power significantly diluted, Roe (and the substantive due process progeny) was established law, and frankly the GOP got lucky: Trump beating Hillary was very unlikely, RBG not leaving AND dying was unlikely, and Obama not being able to advance Garland at the time due to GOP happening to have a lever at its disposal was somewhat unlikely. Hitting all of those marginals was exceedingly lucky.

You failed to remain consistent in your own short post.

Troll better.

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I don’t blame biden in particular he’s just in the hot seat when they called bingo.

Trump beating Hillary(worst candidate eva) wasn’t unlikely, twas a flip at worst.

RGB not retiring, well poor judgement, ironic coming from a judge.

But Obama letting them steal a seat and taking it like a bitch. Nothing he could do , except hit them somewhere it hurt, but he did nothing.


Always good to see public officials loudly tell people protesting and marching is pointless.

I’ve said it before but eDems have a very underrated network of bot accounts on Twitter.

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Very few people considered Mitch would block Garland in the manner in which he did. Understand history better.

Very revisionist. Literally everyone was betting Hillary except for like a couple people that everyone was making fun of for being retarded.

She was +3 in polls of the popular vote the week before Election Day, and that wasn’t even her lowest. FiveThirtyEight had her around 70/30 on the day and not too far from that in previous weeks. The true idiots were the ones who believed media elites that Hillary was a mortal lock because of flimsy reasons that basically all boiled down to them personally finding Donald Trump yucky (that or “journo Twitter” if anybody remembers that beauty). Polling consistently showed Trump with a decent shot.

That’s all fair. She was still the far far larger handle from ~all the sharps.

I wasn’t referring to what people thought at the time (hillary is a lock), I was using hindsight, which is allowed i believe.

If there’s nothing that can be done with control of the presidency and congress, and the only way something can be done is with 60+ senators in a system where a +5 Dem map is only enough to get 50 or 51, then again wtf is the point of caring about voting for them?