The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

International travel for leisure during Covid still seems fucking insane to me.

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I mean like 95% of the world has stopped caring by now, so I donā€™t think itā€™s that insane, doesnā€™t seem any worse than domestic travel to me

I just wouldnā€™t travel anywhere I couldnā€™t drive home from in a covid emergency, but I guess yourā€™e right, most people have no problem getting on a plane with active covid symptoms these days.

Because, dipshit, real wages have plummeted for the entire Biden presidency and we are teetering on recession. Not all his fault but yeah, people are gonna be fucking upset about the economy.

Fair enough, butā€™s it is also a very US-Centric viewpoint to never even think about whatā€™s going on in the rest of the world, and the rest of the world is hurting more than we are

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US is better off than Europe, which is completely fucked this coming winter, but it isnā€™t like the working stiff who saw their child
tax credit disappear and is now paying $97 to fill up their gas tank is gonna be like ā€œwow on a relative basis this is fineā€. It isnā€™t even primarily the Dems fault, they just arenā€™t doing shit to address the fallout.


I mean it depends how you think about it. Basically all of Europe has universal healthcare and a better unemployment insurance system than we have here. So the degree to which youā€™re fucked if you lose a job or start running out of money is probably much less severe.

My buddy got laid off 3 months ago, hasnā€™t had a dime of unemployment yet because the system is so backlogged in Pennsylvania right now. He is lucky that he just got a new job within a couple weeks of running out of money. Hopefully heā€™ll get a lump sump from UI to restore his savings, but itā€™s far from certain.


Youā€™re struggling to make ends meet, finance guy, arenā€™t ya?

I just mean near-term economic performance, but yeah, you hit on a bunch of reasons why American GDP outperformance isnā€™t exactly lifting everyoneā€™s spirits.

Dude I am going to lose my fucking mind.

Maybe ask your fucking husband those questions, Jill.

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Just so weā€™re clear, what exactly do we want Biden to do? Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve got

  1. Set up abortion clinics on some federal property in red states and at least make the red team stop them somehow.

  2. Strongarm Manchin and Sinema into voting for a codification of at least what Roe allowed.

  3. Not appoint a fucking pro-life judge.

Did I miss anything? I probably did.

Honestly itā€™s too late. The only thing I want him to do is announce heā€™s not running again.




Wait, so people are pissed off at Biden because his response to Dobbs isnā€™t ā€œIā€™m outā€?

People are mad he didnā€™t do something when he could have, and isnā€™t leaving now when itā€™s too late (?) to do anything.

NPR had an interview on Friday with Bidenā€™s designated communications person on this point, and NPR was incensed by the nature of the response.

The gist was:

  1. We didnā€™t know if the draft opinion was the actual opinion and wanted to wait until it came out before responding.

  2. We didnā€™t take that long to respond (two weeks).

So what should the response have been?

I guess what Iā€™m asking is to define the lack of leadership. If he should have just said different stuff but done nothing differently, Iā€™m not sure how worked up to get about that. If he should have done something else, what is it (that I havenā€™t already listed)?