The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

thank you i’m sending this to every single black voter i have been banging my skull against lately trying to convince them THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE

i almost thought this was onion, holy FUCK

Needs to photoshop in Gavin Newsome as the “I’m someone else” guy.

If Biden is willing to forego running for re-election so long as there is a backroom deal backed by all factions in the party where he has a significant say on who gets to follow him while avoiding a contested primary, do you take the deal?



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I was hoping he would get to work on securing the border here soon😉

Doing the border wall only better? Ok, let’s go brandon.

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He should be turning his back on SOCIALISM!

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Anyone who thinks history moves in one direction towards things like being less religious should think about how the first POTUS was an irregular church goer, the second POTUS didn’t believe in hell or the divinity of Jeebus, and the third POTUS wrote his own version of the bible taking out all of the miracles.

People oppose religion when it complicates their claims on power, but embrace religion when it justifies their claims on power. Weird!

So I’ve been thinking about how to answer this for three days.

I know you’re a cook so I’m going to start with what a breakfast taco is. A breakfast taco is three components: the tortilla (usually flour), the filling, and the salsa. It’s pretty hard to have a breakfast taco that is meaningfully better than its worst component so what you’re generally looking for is a pretty good version of each. If you’re making a breakfast taco in Austin you can get to extremely good with HEB tortillas (they make them in the store they’re actually locally famous), good eggs + bacon for the filling, and you can make a salsa. If you’re not anywhere near an HEB you’re going to have to make or source the tortillas which having lived away from breakfast tacos for a decade+ at one point is actually a pretty big headache for a dish that is supposed to be extremely simple and fast. You want the taco to be pliable and stretchy enough to not break with the amount of filling you’re going to put in it lol.

Now on to the recommendations for places to eat those tacos. If you come to Austin there are a lot of decent places to get a breakfast taco, but based on your posts suggesting you’re massive foodie I think you should just go to Valentinas and get the best version. This place has what I consider to be the best breakfast taco in Austin or San Antonio and a solid claim to the best BBQ in Austin. The Real Deal Holyfield with brisket is the taco I’m referring to but their regular tacos are also perfect.

Valentinas is definitely the kind of place where you should expect to spent at least an hour getting your food, but it’s worth the wait. It’s a better deal for your time than Franklin’s and it’s not close.

If you don’t have that much time there are lots of other options and which one you should take is more about what part of town you’re in than anything else.



Tex-Mex is one of the most underrated food cultures. Breakfast tacos sound great.


I’m literally eating a brisket breakfast taco from Matt’s BBQ Tacos right now, it’s fantastic. Served all day on SE 50th between Lincoln and Division

*until they run out, sometimes they run out


You know how to live.

I just got back from Austin for a bachelor party and drunkenly walked out of a HEB with tortillas. Bruh… they were the best tortillas I’ve ever had. It’s insane how good they were.


Yeah I tried to give myself a heart but I guess we can’t

Love the post. DO NOT LOVE that I now know about this Real Deal Holyfield taco that sounds awesome without knowing enough to imitate it or having plans to be all that close to Austin or San Antonio any time soon.

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The secret to a good tortilla is lard. Jk, it’s not a secret.