The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Biden is proud of that part of his legacy, obviously. And too old to remember to shut the fuck up about it.

It’s worse. It’s so he can get Kentucky US Attorneys confirmed that will just be fired in two years when he gets wafflecrushed by deSantis. Even E Dems def don’t care about that.

lololol wtf? They don’t even need magical blue slips for that. Or maybe it’s some other unwritten rule that they don’t dare violate? Anyway, just get to 50 and vote them through, and if they stall too much then change the rules so they can’t. When the Ds were doing 30 hours of debate on every Trump district judge did Addison go cry to Schumer and cut a deal? Nope, he changed the rules to cut debate on them to 2 hours. There’s a lesson in there: might makes right.

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it IS apparently an unwritten norm that the senators from the state get a say in the judge nominations… but of course only sometimes is it followed. and it shouldn’t be taken seriously. iirc tammy duckworth was annoyed with it but let a nomination through in a deal like that and then voted against it.

and ofcourse it is a massive LOL to do it for some fireable US attorneys that get pushed out in a change of presidency anyway… just massive massive fail for no gain.

Oh yeah, I guess I wasn’t clear. Judges definitely have the magical blue slip rule but idk if lol US attorneys do.

If this is real this is such a massive win anyone on the left against it is nuts.

The current justice department is in on it.

They’ll probably approve his fossil fuel projects in exchange for a promise to support bold climate legislation, then he’ll walk back his promise because progressives were too mean to him.


Need to see how climate is getting implemented as it is going to be very vulnerable to Supreme Court challenge.

Also from that thread

So either WH or Manchin going to have to take the other party at their word.

Well Manchin is a known liar but even that analysis assumes Joe actually wants step 2. He knew 100% when he blackmailed everyone into voting for infrastructure the BBB was dead.

Good point, he could just agree to it even if he knows Manchin will renege because he wants to drill baby drill.

It’s politics in action. Great for rational people to see.

Of course, the zealots will choke on their bile.

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It isnt yet politics in action for the reasons mentioned but, as usual, you cant keep up with the news lost in fantasies over lolololol 60 seats in the fall election.



Biden starting the tried and true pivot from poor domestic news to foreign affairs starting up the military action against Iran drumbeat.

i’d do a fuckload of drugs if i was biden’s kid too