The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

With this leak, Hunter has done more for voter outreach than the entire democratic establishment over the last 12 years


Get ‘em Joe

I know that 4chan is dumb and just trolling, but the Hunter Biden stuff went nowhere last time and I’m surprised they’re trying it again.

Doing crack and macking honeys. Stacking paper off the back of your dad’s name but still calling him pedo pete. Classic failson moves.

The kids call that being “based.”

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Can Schumer (if he wanted to) just not hold a vote on this asshole?

I think he’s part of some “deal” where Mitch doesn’t obstruct something else that’s meaningless that eDems care about.

Yeah, Schumer controls the schedule so he can do whatever he wants. Honestly I’m surprised Addison is even willing to make a deal to get (maybe eight?) deplorables on the bench in exchange for allowing more Ds to get on the bench. He’s got a permanent ruling majority coming next year and then the presidency 2 years after that, might as well hold as many seats open for DeSantis as possible. It’s not like the Ds are gonna bypass blue slips for district courts and appoint someone reasonable in KY in the meantime.

I dunno man. Seems like it may also be a bunch of women realizing they have a backup plan if they come to the conclusion that men are basically just the worst.

But we’re so good at sex and relationships, this is unfathomable to me.


Joe FINALLY in his comfort zone. He’s about to get to show off his bipartisan chops trying to get a couple of Dems on board to confirm Chad Meredith.

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3/4 of elected republicans did not attend and signed a statement reading in part, “NICE TRY PEDO JOE, THE PICNIC FOOD WAS POISONED AND THE RINOS WHO ATTENDED HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY CLONES”

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Jesus Christ


Based on history I am going to assume this tweet means the Democrats performed an abortion and gun violence themed interpretive dance number.


Impeach Biden?

Already deleted


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They agreed on nothing besides school segregatation. While they were both fighting for it. Beyond that virtually nothing!

It’s a sad attempt by Biden to both create a fiction that he wasn’t for the same things and that bipartisanship has ever been a thing. Bipartisanship is what they sell the rubes from the other party on to get them to do what they want. Biden has always been too stupid to see that but especially now.
